Its serious chapter 9

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Hayley's pov I woke up from my evening nap and saw the doctor I said " when will we be having dinner." Mrs. Melba said " your gonna have it right now and than we are going to the surgery room." She handed me yogurt I was afraid of surgeries ever since I was two and fell off the cliff and had to have a surgery on my back so I ate the yogurt than got in the bed they rolled me into the surgery room were I saw Annie getting rolled into another room and my parents getting rolled in separate rooms I thought it was cruel but now I know it's not they put me on the blue thing and put the thing on my nose and mouth I started to go to sleep after 16 minutes I woke up in the room I was in before Mrs. Melba came in and said " that I got transferred to the room and that I have a fracture in my arm and a broken bone in my arm and that on both of my arms have a bone that's not in place and my leg is broken and I have two broken bones that are in my head." I said " what about my family." The doctor said " that's highly classified." I said " are you a agent I don't think so." The doctor said " but still now we have to get 5 shots one on my head one on my leg and one on each of my arms I went in a wheel chair and went to the room the lady put alcohol on the places there gonna be doing the shots on I had all five of them then it hurt like crazy I cried and cried and cried until I fell asleep when I woke up it was nighttime I yelled for the doctor and some other doctor came in he said " he works at night and that his name was Dr. Leo and so what do you need." I said " where's Dr. Melba." He said " went home." I said " oh okay did I need anything else done?" The Dr said " no well go to sleep tommorow you have a surgery and operation but don't worry." I said " oh okay." He went away than I started worrying I cried to but really softly I fell asleep and didn't worry


Annie's pov I woke up and saw Brennan he layed on the bed with me we cuddled and kissed I told him the bad news that I have 12 major injuries he freaked he calmed down a bit than got me breakfast I ate but it was hard since my jaw bone wasn't in place that's the first major injury I was scarred but still I had the other major injuries in my leg head arms and foot after 4 minutes past he went I texted Hayley saying " hey are you okay?" She replied " no oh gotta go there serving my breakfast ttyl." I said " Kk wait did Ryan come over to your room?" She replied " yes and I know Brennan came to your room bye." I said " bye lil sis 😘😘😘." I than turned off my phone and slept

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