The twins first adventure chapter 28

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Annie's pov~ I woke up to the sound of crying I saw Evan out of bed I got out of bed and went into the twins bedroom I picked up Hannah and put her head on my shoulder she fell back to sleep and I put her back into the crib and walked out of the room I went into the bathroom and washed my face and showered than I got dressed I brushed my hair and than got breakfast I said to Evan " I'm just happy we brought a house." He nodded than got his work bag and left but before he left he kissed me and the twins than he left I fed the babies and than took them to Hayley's place which was now a house I put Hannah and Roy in there seat than drove to Hayley's house

At Hayley's house Hayley's pov~ I heard a knock on the door and my sister and her babies came in I said to her " come in Ryan's at work anyways come come." They came in and Annie sat down and gave one baby to me and the other one was in her arms we talked and talked and than we went to a lunch place and ate there after we ate we went to the park and than Hannah started crying Annie picked up Hannah and patted her back Hannah coughed and coughed and coughed she finally stopped and cried some more Annie's pov~

I picked up Hannah and patted her back she coughed a lot and than she cried some more I cradled her in my arms and gave her a bottle she drank it and than she stopped crying I put the bottle back and put the pacifier in her mouth she sucked it until she fell asleep I put her in the stroller and than I looked at Hayley who was holding Roy Roy was sleeping on her shoulder until he woke up he cried and I said to Hayley " shake the beads he loves that." She shook the beads and than Roy slept again we went to my house and Hayley gave Roy back she than said " it was a lovely day umm I better get back to Ryan he must be home soon bye Annie." We hugged than I went into my house and closed the door I put Roy and Hannah into their baby seats and than I cooked dinner which was chicken salad and pasta I ate than I woke up Hannah and Roy and fed them I changed the twins diapers than washed the dishes Evan came home and ate he put his dish into the sink and than played with Roy I kissed Hannah and she woke up and whined and cried I gave her her mini mouse stuff animal and sat her on the carpet of the living room Hannah played with mini mouse than threw her on the floor and got her ball fake phone she threw everything on the floor I than picked her up and made a bottle I fed her and than changed her diaper she fell asleep 5 minutes later and than Roy fell asleep 6 minutes after she fell asleep I cleaned up the toys got ready for bed than it was lights out | authors note so hope you enjoy like follower and well bye love you guys😊💓💞

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