Chapter 13

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  I walk into my room,
noticing something strange about all of the team.

  Amera just walked past me and didn't even say hi while Breck just completely ignored me trying to ask him questions about everyone.

  I need to see what's going on. I hear thunder cackle in the sky, and the rain comes down harder.
  I change out of my dirty clothes and take a quick shower, wanting to see what's going on.
Needing to see what's going on.
  I walk out into the living room, and hear Breck and Amera talking to eachother. "We can't tell her" "We have to" "it will destroy her." I hear a sigh.

  They still haven't noticed me on the couch. "What are you talking about?" I ask.
I hear a sharp intake of breath and a curse. Amera sits down beside me. "Alesia, something happened" she says to me.
I can feel my throat closing up.
Her eyes well up in tears, dripping down her face.
I stand up.
Amera takes a deep breath and I growl. "Just tell me already" I ground out.

"Your sister was in a car crash"

I go numb. "What" I say. She just looks away. "We-ll, we have to go s-ee her" I stutter. Amera just shakes her head even harder.

  No. Nononononono. I slip out of the couch, barely aware of what's going on around me.
She can't be dead.
That would mean I would be the last one left besides my grandparent but with my luck they are probably dead too.

  I walk out into the rain, heading towards the forest. I sit down on the ground, my arms and legs shaking.
I pull out the small Swiss knife I always have in my pocket and look at it in my hand.

  And run it across my left forearm. The pain comes immediately, causing me to tremble.
Sobs erupt from my throat and the blood drips down my arm, getting mixed with the rain and my tears.
  It's not enough.
I bring it back to my arm, drawing a deeper line.
Slower this time.
Someone yanks me back, causing me to drop the knife.
  I scream and kick, angry that they would take that away from me.
I stop struggling, just screaming and sobbing.

  I push my head into their neck, happy for the warmth. They are wrapping up my arm, stopping the bleeding.

"Why would you do that" I hear Breck say. "Why" I just cry more.
Once I'm done crying, I'm just an empty shell.

He carries me back and I can hear Ameras crying from my room.

I wish she'd quiet down.

Poor Mavie. I can just imagine it.
The blood soaking her face,
her arm twisted at an odd angle,
my grandparents not moving.

  I drift in and out of sleep, causing me to have nightmares about it.
How I'm in the car, how I cause the accident.
  Or sometimes I just watch.

  Breck is always there though, rocking my gently after I wake up from the nightmares, or watching me from the corner.

  A week or so has passed, and I lay in bed, my feet going numb.
I stand up, getting out of bed on my wobbly feet. Breck instantly wakes up.

  He looks at me, sadness over his face. I just stare back at him. "How are you feeling" I look down.
My arm is bandaged and my eyes are sore.

"Fine" I say.
I walk into the bathroom. Once I'm done showering, I put my pajamas back on and go into the kitchen.
Amera and Roy are there.

Amera immediately comes
over to me, wanting to give me a hug.

  I just flinch back. Hurt crosses her face even though she tries to cover it.

  Breck comes in, smiling sadly to Roy and just putting his hand on Ameras shoulder.

"Can I go to the funeral" I ask. Amera and Roy stiffen up but Breck just sighs. "I don't know" I hear a voice behind me.

Turning around slowly I see a girl around my age with long blonde hair and hazel eyes.
And a guy next to her.
He has gray hair and looks old. But very smart.

"Hello Alesia" the old man puts out his hand.
I just stare at him.
Looking at the girl, I see her staring at Breck.
Jealousy sparks through me.
I shove it down.

  The guy puts his hand back down. "I'm Mr. Guiser. It is a pleasure to meet you. I've heard you have and some problems dealing with your emotions. I have someone who can help you with that." Disgust flares through me.
The girl gives me a smile. It's fake.

"I don't need help" I say. He just smiles at me. "This is Mila, and she is an empath. A very strong one. It runs through her family and since she was born here the magic here made her ability grow stronger. She can help you." I shake me head, backing up. "No" I can't have this girl going through my feelings or whatever she does.
Breck grabs my arm. I stiffen.

"Al, please let her help you" I shake my head no. Then the girl lunges up, grabbing my hand. I go stiff. I can feel her in my head. I pull back, gasping. And fall into a vision.

  Amera looks at me from the couch, her sixteen year old self smiling at me. "Come on Ali. I know you like him" she pesters to me. I just shake my head. In the other room, I can hear Roy and Breck taking. "Come on man. You can't just leave" I get up, storming into the room. "Your leaving" I say. Breck looks at me shocked, his hair flopping over his eyes. Then he just smiles. "Yeah. Me and Veronica are
running away." He says. Hurt flashes through me. "Why?" I ask. Amera comes in. "Okay I had heard all of that. What are you thinking Breck?

  I suck in a breath, sitting up. How did I get on the floor.
I see everyone looking down on me. I get up. "How long have you been having visions?!" Amera asks me angrily. Shoooottttttt.

"Awhile" I say with no shame.
Her dark face flushes.

"I am sick and tired of you keeping things from us and being so sad for yourself. Yeah your sister died. But you need to get used to it! It is so annoying Alesia. You feeling all sad for yourself. It's sickening!" I freeze. Anger flares through me.

"Me sickening? You practically grovel at my feet! Every time I leave and comeback your crying because you thought I 'left'! That's sickening. Sure, I was gone, but you knew I would come back. You knew!" I'm breathless. Everyone is staring at us.

  I shake my head, holding it.
I laugh at them, walking out the door. I head toward the forest, to a different spot then last time. My knees hit the ground. There's no end.
Always pain here.
So much pain.

  I scream, my hands digging into the ground. I hear something above me. "Go away" I say. When they don't I look up.

  A giant centipede stands before me, taller than I am.
I scream, rushing back.
  It hisses, and slithers closer. I scream again, trying to stand up. It's pinchers snap at me. It lunges. Instinctively, I duck, twisting to the side. I back up, running. I run faster. Why did I have to come out so far into the forest?

Authors note: Sorry this chapter
Was a little random and all over the place. I wrote it in a few different sections so... Yah. Thank you all so much for reading!
  - BlueGalexies

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