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Percy Jackson

I woke up in the morning, threw on a blue shirt, some white khaki's, socks, brushed my hair, and as I ate some breakfast, I checked my phone. I had a voice mail. From none other than Annabeth. She got the message. Like I thought, she just had to reply. Gods, I hated her.

I didn't expect to have this as a reply.

" Do you realize how much that hurt?" Annabeth asked on the voicemail," Sorry if I ruined your peace. I didn't expect you there, either. I didn't even know you were dating Beckett. It's just as much your fault as it mine. I showed up, and so did you. It hurt me, Percy. Your show up, and I reconized you right away. I had to call you frikkin Seaweed Brain for you to even consider it was me. The threat to kill me. That hurts more. I didn't try to ruin it for you. Just think of it like this. Every day whn I get home or I wake up or I'm going, every single frikkin day I look at my phone and want to call one of you. Nico, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Clarisse, and most of the time it's you. I didn't even want to hurt you, Percy. I really didn't. If I did I'm really sorry. If you get over it, and aren't mad at me, call me when you get the message."

The frik-?

My goal was to get her mad. Not hurt.

I listened to that voicemail over and over again when I realized something. How,  I'm not sure. I just did. It was a guess. I broke up with her. And when we were talking, more fighting yesterday she wasn't talking like she was mad. She was talking like she might talk to Luke Castellan after I came to Camp Half-Blood. Like she felt betrayed.

Did I do that to her?

Crap, now I just felt horrible, so I sucked it up, and called her. Like yesterday, she didn't answer. But I knew she wasn't working today. So why wouldn't she answer?

" Hey, this is Annabeth,' her voicemail said," Sorry I can't get to my phone, probably out trying to find some killer. Leave a message, and I'll call you ASAP. Thanks."

I heard the beep, and started my message.

" Hey, Annabeth,' I spoke her name for the first time in seven years. When I said it I realized something about myself. I missed her. Maybe not as a girlfriend. But still, I missed her as a friend. When we were a team. Gods, seven, eight years ago," It me again. I didn't expect hurt out of that last message. I expected maybe some fury or hate or I don't even know. I mean we haven't seen each other in seven or eight years. I haven't seen anyone else from camp. Not even Tyson or my dad even. They disappeared from my life, too, and I was just mad. Why, I don't know. It was stupid.I listened to your message a few times, and you're right. Like always. You didn't know I was dating Beckett, and it was really stupid of me not to reconize you when you haven't changed that much in the past seven years. You still look the same. And almost act the same. I'm sorry about yesterday. And the past seven years. I really should've called or tried to keep in touch some how anyway. And I didn't. I'm sorry. It was my fault what happened yesterday. I should've said that said that yesterday, I just couldn't. I was mad that you didn't call. I didn't know you considered it every day. Was tempted of it every single day. Again I'm really sorry, it was stupid. I take back what I say from the message before. It was stupid. Call me. Seaweed Brain."

I hung up the phone, and let out a sigh. Gods, today would be a long day.

I could see Annabeth right now. It her cabin back at Camp Half-Blood getting that message and trying to figure out how to call me back. She didn't like to mess up in front of anyone. In any way. It's who she was. It's how she is. I never doubted that about her. It's a good quality to have.

Around seven o'clock that night I got a call. Since I was cooking, I couldn't answer. But it was Annabeth. She left a voicemail.

" Hey, " Annabeth sounded ripped apart,  fragile, unsure of herself almost," It's me, Wise Girl. I got your message. And honestly, I don't even know what to say right now. I accept your apology. It's been seven years since we've seen each other. I could understand not reconizing me right away on sight. But really, Beckett said there was Detective Chase, and you said you didn't know a Chase. I don't know how the Hades you feel about this whole thing. After the seven or eight years. But you're the one who broke up with me, and I know you don't this, but it took seven, eight years to get over it. And I'm still not completly over it. It may sound stupid. . . but it's true. Before you broke up with me when we were eighteen I thought when we were done with camp it would be just me and you in Camp Jupiter like we had talked about that one year for so long. Then it just faded away. I don't know what you were thinking that day. I'm still not over you, Percy. That's all I can really say right now. I don't want you to be mad at me. At all. It's been taking me eight years. How long did it take you? I'd like to know. Call back. Wise Girl."

She hung up, and then I realized something eles that probably wasn't the best since I'm dating Beckett.

I'm not over Annabeth yet.

Not even close. 

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