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Percy Jackson

I wonder what went with the others from Camp Half-Blood.

So I picked up a phone book, my phone, and started dialing numbers. Nobody answered. But I left messages. First of course of was Grover.

" Hey, it's Grover, can't reach the phone, sorry. Leave a message!"

I heard the beep, sucked it up and left a message.

" Hey, Grover," I said on the phone," It's me, Percy. Just wondering how you've been the past seven years after we lost contact. If you get this message, call be back. Bye."

I hung the phone, and started dialing the next number. Nico Di Angelo.

" Hey, it's Nico," Nico sounded happy in the voicemail. Okay, that really isn't normal," Sorry I can't reach the phone at this second, but if you can leave a message, I will call you back as soon as I can. Thank. Bye."

I heard the beep, and as again I sucked it up I left a message.

" Hey, Nico," I said on the voicemail," It Percy. Thought I'd see how you were holding since I haven't seen you in seven years. I'd appreciate if you'd give me a call back as soon as you can. Thanks. Bye."

I hung up the phone, and went down to the next number. Rachel Elizabeth Dare. I knew she was an actor now. I've seen a TV show she's in. But damn, she's changed.

Of course no answer.

" Hey, it's Rachel Elizabeth Dare," Rachel's voice said,"

You've reached my private line. Leave a message. Bye!"

I heard the beep, hesitated, and left a message.

" Hey, Rachel Elizabeth Dare," I said on the phone," It's Percy from the camp. If you could find time to call back I'd appreciate it. Thanks. Bye."

I hung up again, and went down to Piper Mclean. She had also become an actor. Follow in her dad's footsteps.

It rang three times, and I swear someone answered, but it was just voicemail.

" Hey this Piper Mclean," Piper's chapspoken voice said," Sorry I can't get to my phone, but leave a name or number and I'l try to call back. Bye!"

" Hey, Piper," I said on the phone. Gods, this was harder than I thought," It's Percy. From camp. I haven't gotten the chance to talk to you in the seven years, and I'd appreciate if you called back. Thanks. Bye."

I hung up the phone, and went down to Leo. This would be interesting. Leo became a stand up comedian, and. . .yeah.

Of course no answer.

" It's Leo Valdez with a V," Leo said in a fun way," Right now I'm cracking jokes in the Big Apple, leave a message, and I will return your call. Bub-bye!"

I heard the beep.

" Hey, Leo," I said," It's Percy from camp. I heard you were in New York once again, and decided to call. It's been seven years. I'd appreciate a call back. Bye."

I hung up, and went down to Jason Grace. I hadn't heard any of him in the seven years.

" Hey, it's Jason," Jason said on the voicemail," Busy right now, leave a message, bye."

The beep went, ande I left a message.

" Hey, Jason," I said on the voicemail," It's Percy. I'd apprecaite a call when you get the message. Thanks. Bye."

Then went down to Hazel.

" Hey, it's Hazel," Hazel had a happy voice," I'm busy at the moment, just leave a message, and I'll call. Bye!"

Then went the beep.

" Hey, Hazel," I said on the voice mail," It's Percy from camp. When you get the message call me back. Bye."

I hung up and went to the last contact. Frank. He was in the army now.

" Hey it's Zhang," Frank's voice said," I can't reach my phone. Off training and fighting. Leave a message, and I'll call back. Goodbye."

I hesitate once again, and leave a message.

" Hey, Frank," I said on the call," It's Percy from Camp. If you can, call me when you get the message. Bye."

I hung up the phone, and went to bed.

I Almost Do ( A Percy Jackson Story )Where stories live. Discover now