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My sheet covers are suddenly ripped off of my body; leaving me exposed to the harsh elements of my bedroom. I spin around to find the culprit who happens to be my mom.

"Atiana Luna Franca, I have been calling your name for the past five minutes."
she continues on,
"Your dad is brining home one of his new workers for dinner. So please change into something a bit more appropriate?"

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing, mom?"

She laughs, "Ana, you're wearing shorts and a sports bra. Do you seriously think your father would allow that with another guy around?"

"Good point, I'll change then." I walk around to my closet and attempt to find something my mom would deem appropriate for this dinner. My phone then chimes signaling a new notification.

@sofiaren mentioned you in a tweet

@sofiaren: "don't you just love it when your bestfriend doesn't answer your texts @atianafranca i'm talking about you"

I quickly scroll through my notifications to see 6 unread messages.

5:35pm "atianaa i miss my bestfriend"

5:37pm "uhm rude do you not miss me"

5:38pm "unless you've found yourself a boyfriend why are you ignoring me"

5:38pm "nvm i take that back me > your future bf"

5:40pm "okayyyyy"

5:40pm "ihy"

I decide to call her rather than reply to her messages.

"Uhm excuse me, why didn't you answer my messages." Her voice comes through the phone.

"Sorry, I have a life." I pick out a blouse and skirt but decide against it.

Sofia bursts into laughter, "Like what? You do nothing but watch netflix and listen to music"

"At least I don't spend all my time oogling over guys." I look through my clothes with distaste. I haven't been shopping in awhile and it shows.

"I'm sorry but did you just say oogling?"

"Shut up, I was sleeping at the time. That's why I didn't see that you texted me." Screw this, I give up. I throw on a casual dress and braid my hair into boxer braids. Sofia and I talk as I get continue to get ready.

"Okay, well bye I'm off to tutoring this kid, Jacob, his mom wants him to do lots of studying before school starts up. C'mon the boy is going into sixth grade, give him a break. We're going out tomorrow though so be prepared."

I say goodbye and the call ends. Many people believe that just because Sofia loves shopping, boys, her romance movies, is a cheerleader, and is insanely beautiful that she's an airhead. Instead, she happens to be one of the smartest people I know. She's one of the lucky ones. The ones who don't have study to get the good marks.

I open up my Instagram app and begin to look at posts. Mainly those of classmates who are showing off their summer breaks. Sadly, summer is coming to a close and school is starting in a few days.

I then hear the front door open and my dad's voice accompanied by an unfamiliar one. I slowly make my way down the stairs and peek out, trying to get a glimpse of the stranger. Unfortunately for me, I trip over a step, so much for being subtle.

"Atiana, what are you doing? Have you become too cool to give your dad a hug." My dad jokes running a hand through his graying hair. I smile over at him and go to give him a hug. I turn to the guy standing not too far from him.

Oh my goodness he's gorgeous. I try to get a better look at his face to find him already looking at me a smirk planted on his lips with a raised brow. I tilt my head so my hair acts like a curtain, hiding my cheeks which are now tinted red.

"Atiana, this is Elliot Oakes, he's one of my new employees." My dad says, cutting me from my embarrassment. My dad owns a car dealership and the attached mechanic. He often hires other young people or people in a tough spot to give them a source of income and keep them busy. I look up at Elliot again and he acknowledges me with a nod and I do the same.

"Dinner is ready," my mom suddenly calls from the kitchen and I make my way to the table. " I made lasagna tonight." She must be trying to impress Elliot; she rarely ever makes lasagna. I sit at the table next to my mom across from my dad and Elliot. I cut out a huge piece of lasagna and plop it down on my plate.

"Hey, save a little for the rest of us who would like to eat." I glance up at my mom and grin at her.

"It's lasagna and look," I say pointing towards the lasagna "there's enough for 3 average people and  you guys seem to be 3 average people." I briefly glance at Elliot, a glint of a amusement flashing in his eyes.

I never realized how much I love green eyes until now.

Sike green eyes have always been my favourite.

"So where are you from, Elliot?" My mom asks.

"Oakville, born and raised." He smiles a bit, seeming to be thinking about something before he turns his gaze back to my mother. Hah. Oakes from Oakville.

"He's staying at the Miles house. They have a son at your school, Atiana. What's his name again?" My dad turns to Elliot to answer his question.

"Adrian Miles, he's my bestfriend. He was my neighbor in Oakville until he moved here in tenth grade."

Adrian Miles. I haven't really spoken to him but I do have a class with him. He seems like a fairly nice guy, he mainly sticks with his small group of friends. But, he is kind to everybody and that's something to admire.

"Do you know Adrian, Lilac?" My mom directs her attention to me.

"Yea, he's in my chemistry class."

"I can't imagine Adrian all decked out in lab gear." Elliot laughs.

I smile, "Suprisingly, he's pretty good."

Elliot smiles, "He's always been good in the science and math department, whether he wants to admit it or not. I'm only remotely good because he helps me out. I would be failing, if he didn't take time to skype me for a weekly math lesson."

Damn, everyone needs a friend like Adrian.

After an hour or so of small talk and stories, my dad glances at his watch.
"It's getting late, I'll drive you home now, Elliot."

"Thank you." He and my dad stand up from their seats. "It was nice to meet you and thanks for the meal." Elliot smiles at my mom and I before leaving with my dad. When they leave my mom and I begin to wash the dishes.

"He's a nice boy and quite handsome too." My mom says with a small smile. I shake my head at my mom. "Ok mom, first of all, I don't even know him and two I'm not even looking for a relationship."

"You may not be looking for love but when you find it, you won't want to let go."

Yeah right.

the one about the boy Where stories live. Discover now