Chapter 3

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Sorry for the late update... but i hope you'll like it... 😊😊😊
Please don't forget to vote!

Mikaela's Pov

Hmp. That guy defines the word arrogant. It's as if I've deliberately done that. I even tried to help him and he only scowled at me. Fine! Ugh.. boys.

When I was walking away from that radish boy, I saw 2 good looking boys whose mischievously making their way into the entrance hall.

"Where's Jimin hyung? I haven't seen him in the practice room." asked the taller guy with a good physique, but has a baby face.

"He's having a bad stomach, maybe he's in the comfort room." Said the handsome guy with a boxy grin while trying not to laugh.

"Yah. Look at Yoongi hyung." They look astonished at the direction where my arch nemesis is located. So, Yoongi is his name huh??! And why am I even bothering to know his name?

I just ignored them and went onwards to find the media department and luckily I saw a woman in her early twenties. She owns a simple yet charming look.

"Uhm.. excuse me? Do you know where I can find Mr. Hong?" I asked her without reluctance.

She smiled brightly at me "Annyeong! Yes of course. Come, I'll lead you to his department. By the way, I'm Airi.. And you are?" before I could respond, there were another 3 boys passing by at our direction. It's curious because one of them looked intently to Airi and he has that handsome face that girls could die for. hmm... I smell something fishy

The other two just stared at us with lots of confusion on their faces as they led their way to the lobby.

I now turned to Airi. "Hello, My name is Mikaela Andrea Lopez. You can simply call me, Mika. I just arrived from California and I'm planning to work here permanently."

"Wow nice name! That's just so great. Welcome to Bighit entertainment!" said Airi enthusiastically, then she thought of something.

"OH NO, I FORGOT! Mika, can you just stay here for a moment, I'll only have to check the boys then I'll get back you. Okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine" I uttered.

While waiting, I observed the place and saw posters of a boy group named, BTS all over the hall. I glanced over the pictures thoroughly and realized that these are the boys that I have encountered a while ago. And to my surprise, that radish boy is in the picture too. NO. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING.

To my complete shock, someone tapped my shoulders and I turned around to see who it was. A guy with a cute eye smile is staring at me amused.

"Hello, you seemed so engrossed on staring at the posters. Gorgeous isn't?" The guy said confidently.

I looked at him confused and stared at him from head to toe. Then Alas! I saw something funny and he's not even aware of it.

I jokingly look at his pants, he followed my gaze and he realized the shit out of it...

"Perhaps you should check first your zipper, before showing off." I said to him with disgusted look.

I passed by, leaving the embarrassed cocky guy alone with a wide grin on my face and find my way to the media section.

I met Mr. Hong and he seemed pleasant. He is the head of media works, they gathered all the staff members and they greeted me nicely. I guess I'm gonna love it here. I thought to myself.

He also declared that there's going to be a company dinner later. He said that's good timing since I'm getting to meet everyone there.

Sungjae, one of the camera man discussed everything to me. It was all fine when he announced to me that I'm gonna be concentrating more on Bts. I'm so dead

"Wae?" I said absentmindedly.

"Are you ok?" Sungjae asked in doubt

"Yes, it's nothing. I'm sorry, what is it again?"
"Bts will be your main job. You have to follow them on every schedules and activities even abroad." Sungjae explained again.

"Ne, ara sum nida!" I guess I don't have a choice

Jimin's POV

My stomach hurts since this morning. I kept on running back to the toilet like many times. The pain began to subside after I took a medicine.

After cleaning up, I went to practice room and the boys are totally gone. Possibly they've decided to eat outside. I proceeded into the hall when I saw a foreigner girl keenly looking at our posters. I studied her for a moment. A boyish attire, a Latin American mixed beauty. And so I felt a sudden impulse to interrupt her.

When she turned around, I saw her beautiful hazel brown eyes and my heart skipped a beat. I really tried to make my self cool in front of her, but everything went into an awkward encounter.

My zipper is open. Great. That was so embarrassing. Wth!

Seriously, that girl just treated me like that??? she totally ignored the charms of Park Jimin? Nice. I think I like her...

I suddenly thought of her eyes, there's something in it... sadness?

Suga's POV

The foreigner girl earlier is stuck in my head. She looked familiar. Her voice, I think I've heard it before. But I hate her and I don't know why.

We're here at the restaurant. BangPDNim held a dinner for the whole crew. Everyone is here except for the media staff. They're still on their way.

I really can't wait anymore. I want to go sleep already. Ugh, these people.
Luckily, the kids beside me have gotten all the energy in all the universe. At least I'm still awake and alive because of them.

And I realized that Jimin is somewhat out of his mind. That's totally rare for a hyper kid like him.

"Yah jiminah... gwenchana? Your not talking since we arrived here." I asked.

"Ne, I'm exactly fine. I'm merely thinking about a girl I've met earlier and I guess I'm experiencing love at first sight." He said with an infatuated expression.

Who is the lucky girl? I thought to myself.

"You've met a girl??? Where? When? Yah! You're keeping secrets now! Huh Hyung??!!" Kookie demanded.

V, Jhope, jin and rapmon simultaeneously teasing Jimin and we're having fun when the media team arrived.

Mr. Hong greeted everyone at our table and he talked to BangPD about the project line up.

"Don't worry, this is going to be easy since I already acquired my new assistant photographer." Mr. Hong announced with enthusiasm.

"That's a good thing then. You know very well they have a pile of projects right now and we need to double time." Bangpd said.

My heart stopped when the foreigner girl appeared beside Mr. Hong.

"By the way, this is my new staff member, Mikaela Andrea Lopez."

Jimin and I stood up at the same time... and blurted out "Yah! It's you again!" so this is the girl Jimin were talking about?

The boys was shocked and they exchanged looks naughtily.

The girl stared at us in a coldly manner, but she managed to smile fakely for both of us. Wow. This girl is really something

"Hello, you can just call me Mika. I came from California. And I'm going to be your new Assistant photographer. Nice meeting you all!" She smiled sweetly at everyone except for me.

This girl is really getting into my nerves. Okay fine. I'll make you suffer for sure.

I examined her for a moment and she has this rugged getup, typical fashion of a photographer. But you can never deny that she's indeed pretty. Her eyes is so endearing and her color is vibrant. Wait??? WHAT?

I hate her and I should stay away from her. That's all!

Jimin kept on gazing at Mika and I felt uneasy. No. This girl is up to no good. Tsk.tsk.

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