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"Uncle Tae!" Mina cheerfully greeted and hugged her favorite Uncle. "Ohhhh... here comes my lovely Mimi! How are you? Oh my, You're getting heavier? What have you been eating these days?" Tae was playfully acting as if he's weight lifting and scrunching his nose making Mina giggle in his arms.

How I wish that we could also have our own little angel too, seeing Tae like this being undeniably happy with kids really makes me think that I'm not worthy of him. I am the problem and he wasn't and I feel burdened every time. Although I know that he loves me to the bones, I still can't deny the fact that he wants to be a father desperately...

"Daddy is eating like a monster during our bonding time and I'm just doing the same. I miss you uncle Tae and Aunt Mirae too... I miss her bedtime stories."

Well, this never bothered me at all. Mina is such a bubbly angel just like her mom. She never failed to make smile whenever she's around and keeps on asking so many questions adorably when we're having a little chit chat. Her brilliant mind is working 2x faster when she's asking a question and would always leave me in awe.

"Sorry Mimi, Uncle Tae and I are very busy these past few weeks.... I promise to visit you more often even without Uncle? Is that okay with you?" I touched her shiny black hair and kissed her flushed cheeks.

"Jinja? Yehey! Let's read Beauty and the Beast next time..." She excitedly blurted out getting out from Tae's embrace and held my hands instead.

She was grinning widely at me when Zach butted in and held my other hands "Good evening, Aunt Mirae. How are you?" Looking up at me smiling so dearly. "I'm fine dear, Thank you" and then I kissed his forehead. He bowed and then faced Mina with a smirk on his cute little face.

Here we go again...

"Then you are the beast, Mina..."

"Yah! I am not... Beast is a boy."

"Then you are a boy."

"I am a girl. I'm a wearing a dress!"

"Yeah, and you look ugly..."

"I am not ugly?!"

Zach just shrugged it off and seated on the sofa lazily. Seriously? He's just like her dad.

Mina's voice cracked at her last sentence and ran towards her dad and Uncles who are mischievously grinning at the kitchen while the preparing for the dinner. I, on the other hand, was also chuckling on my spot seeing these two little kids really made my day. They would always end up teasing and crying every time.

"D-daddy....... Zach O-oppa...Daddy..." And now she's crying clinging on to her dads pants. Looking up to him obviously trying to get some help. Jimin laughed and lifted his daughter into his arms and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Aigooo... not again. Haha. You see... Zach is just teasing you because you're beautiful."

"Jaehyun, come here!" Uh oh! Yoongi called his son from the kitchen looking a bit stressed because of his son's behavior.

I followed after and stand beside Taehyung who is now busy eating crackers and disturbing Jin oppa on his cooking.

We both look at the fathers who are now busy talking to their sons and daughters, giving lectures and stuff. Such a lovely scene and I can see the sparkle on Taehyung's eyes. He must be imagining himself in their shoes... and this really breaks my heart.

"Now, say sorry to Mina, I swear I will confiscate everything, Jaehyun. Including your piano." Yoongi oppa said sternly.

"But dad..." his son is a pouting mess.

STUBBORN LOVE  MYG/PJM - COMPLETED #wattys2017 Where stories live. Discover now