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"Scott?" " Stiles?" The two boys spoke in unison. "What are you doing?" Scott spoke first. "What do you mean what am i doing? What are you doing?" Stiles said. His head was throbbing in the spot that Scott had punched him. "I thought you were the were that we are all looking for or did you forget about that part." Scott responded. "Now answer me."

 "I thought i saw something moving in the bushes and i gave chase and ran into you. Ouch by the way." Stiles tried to stand but his vision blurred and he slumped on a tree nearby. "Sorry about that." Scott winced in sympathy. 

Stiles was trying to catch his breath after that chase. Scott's punch didn't help and he was struggling to stand. Lydia noticed his struggle and helped lower him to the ground. "Careful Stiles, How long were you running?" She asked. Stiles tried to respond. "I- gasp- don't know- gasp- must have been- gasp- longer than a minute- gasp." Stiles could tell he was slowly catching his breath.

Stiles had finally got his breathing back to normal. When Scott helped him up, Stiles wobbled and almost fell back down. His head was in so much pain. Probably a combination of his lack of sleep and the minor concussion that Scott might have given him.

Stiles had to rely on Scott for most of the way back to his jeep. When they were almost there, Stiles felt well enough to walk on his own. It took a few steps but soon he was walking normally, for him anyways.

Derek was there waiting with Kira. "Whet the hell happened."He asked bluntly. "Scott punched me in the head with his super werewolf strength." Stiles answered. "I think he might have given me a minor concussion."

After Scott and Lydia had told Derek their findings, which was nothing, Derek asked Stiles. Stiles was wondering if he should say anything about the fur tail he saw escaping. He decided to come back and check for himself later that night, as he wasn't going to sleep anyways.

 Before he could answer, Scott interrupted. "Weren't you chasing something before you met up with us?" Damn you Scott. "I don't know, could have been a rabbit for all I know." Smooth Stiles, smooth. Derek believed it so Stiles counted that as a win in his books. He was getting better and better at lying around his lie detector friends. 

Derek let them go home but stopped Stiles before he could climb in his jeep. Stiles was almost in a state of panic. What did he do wrong to make Derek want to talk to him? "What did you really see Stiles." Oh, he was in trouble. 

Calming his heart beat and trying to control it the best he could, Stiles answered. "Not sure, I just saw some ferns rustling so I was curious and then something started running. It was too fast for me to see." That wasn't a complete lie, Stiles convinced himself. Derek let him go so he guessed he had passed his test.

As Stiles rode home, the throbbing in his skull slowly faded. That was good, he didn't have a concussion. His eyelids began to droop. When he almost fell asleep, he jolted awake just in time to avoid driving into a ditch. 

When Stiles arrived, he pulled into the driveway an noticed his dads car was missing. Probably working late, again. Unlocking the house, Stiles made himself a coffee and went up to his room. Going strait to his computer, he started researching werefoxes.

He was fully concentrated on his computer that he almost didn't hear his dad get home. It was almost 8. He had been researching for almost 2 hours and it felt as if he had just gotten home. He walked down the stairs and greeted his dad. In his dads hands was a bag with what seemed to be Indian take-out from the smell. He got some plates and set them on the table. He hadn't eaten since lunch and he was starving.

"Thanks for the take-out dad, it was delicious." Stiles said once they were done. During their dinner, his dad couldn't stop talking about a case. Stiles had tuned it out but it had something to do with sightings of an animal in the preserve. Stiles didn't say anything about the hunt and seeing what he thought was a fox tail. 

"No problem son. Now go get some sleep." The sheriff said. Stiles doubted that he would sleep much tonight. He walked up to his room and continued his research.

When he heard his dad enter his room to sleep. Stiles waited half an hour for him to fall asleep. 

Sneaking down the stairs, Stiles passed the living room and succeeded in getting to his jeep without making a noise. He was wide awake this time and drove to the preserve. Everything was quiet and Stiles climbed out of his Jeep and started to walk into the preserve.   

He took out his phone and continued walking. The moon wasn't a very good source of light tonight, as there was only a small sliver of moon in the sky.

He was close to the place where he had seen the fox that afternoon. He stopped, put his phone away and waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. It took a few minutes but Stiles could finally see the outline of the trees in front of him. He whistled out to the forest because he found it to quiet. What he didn't expect was a purring sound in response.

"Who's there." Stiles said, his voice shaking in fear. "Show yourself." He heard the pitter patter of paws on the leaves. He looked hard and took a step back. Was it just his eyes playing tricks or did he just see two eyes staring back at him.

Stiles looked again. Those were definitely eyes. The animal walked closer to him. As it got closer, Stiles could see the outline of two ears, pointed fox ears. The fox seemed scared of him yet confident, like he knew Stiles wouldn't lash out and hurt him. How would a fox know who he was.

Stiles slowly moved backwards, away from the fox, hoping not to startle it into attacking him. Instantly, the fox yipped, then started to follow him. Stiles panicked and backed away faster. The fox kept following him. Stiles was getting scared. He turned around and started to run. 

Somehow he hadn't hit any trees in the dark. It was actually a miracle. He ran for twenty seconds when he heard a voice.


Stiles stopped and looked around. He knew that no one was in the preserve. It was almost 1 in the morning. Who had told him to stop?

"Why are you scared Stiles."

It knew his name. Whatever was talking to him knew who he was.

Stiles ran faster. He had to make it to the jeep.

He reached the clearing and saw his jeep. He knew whatever had spoken to him had followed him here. Stiles had heard the footsteps. He quickly unlocked the jeep and jumped inside. He flicked on the headlights and saw what had spoken to him. 

Standing in the light of his headlights, was the fox. 

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