That autumn...

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Suga's POV

My alarm suddenly went off, causing me to jumped out of bed but only to realize that Minji was sleeping comfortably in my arms.

"Yoongi... It's a Saturday... Don't go so soon..." She groaned and snuggled my arm softly.

Not knowing what to do, I just laid back down and drown in my own sea of thoughts.
Having that dream of the past, it felt like I was awake and just reliving my past once again. I could feel the emotions and physically feel everything in the dream, as if I went back in time and did it again.

Waking up, it felt like I fell into a dream of reality. Everything felt hazy and going by so fast and yet so slowly. It seemed like reality didn't seem real.


"Why?" I whispered to myself.

Why did I dream of that?

Why has it created such a huge impact on me?

Why am I even questioning it?

Minji stirred in her sleep, "Hm? 'Why' what?" She mumbled, "Do you have something to do today?"

I blinked several times to myself before yawning and somehow, forcing myself to bring her closer to me, hugging her and pushing her head into my chest, "Aniya~ It's nothing babe... Just wondering... Why don't I get an early retirement? I'm tired of working." I joked.

She shook her head and giggled, "You're always tired..." My wife yawned and sighed before falling asleep again.


"Min-Min!" Haneul struggled to greet me as Minji and I dropped by ______'s and Jungkook's house.
It was a usual 'every Saturday' thing for us to go to their house and fellowship with them.
______ treating me as a best friend while I struggled to do so. Minji constantly trying to hint to me that she wanted children as she played with Haneul. Then there's Jungkook who's always part of everyone's conversation because he doesn't talk much, as usual, and we never had any problems with him.

"Haneul~!" I greeted him and picked him up in my arms, resulting him to laughing and grabbing my face with his tiny baby hands.
______ 'aw'ed and Jungkook had his arm around her waist, "Haneul likes grandpa Yoongi." He teased me.
I ignored them knowing that they're just jealous that Haneul likes me more than them, and Minji squealed in excitement the moment she saw the one-year-old in my arms.

We played with Haneul till it was his nap time. ______ went to his room to put him to sleep while Jungkook kept Minji and me company.

"Any drinks?" He asked us.

Minji asked for a cup of hot Tae- I mean, Tea; while I just wanted a glass of water, "So plain." Jungkook commented, smiling as he poured a glass of water for me, "Just couldn't think of anything else to drink." I defended myself.

"So, when are you planning to have kids?" He asked.

Like every week, he'd ask us the same question and I'd answer the same answer– or at least similar to the previous one.

"No, not yet Jungkook. There's no need for us to rush anyways. We're still young, not even 40 years of age yet." I replied.

At the corner of my eyes, I could see Minji stiffened and made a slight face of pain and anger.
I know she wants children, but I don't; not anymore at least...
Call me selfish but I don't want to regret for the rest of my life and I don't want my children to feel neglected by their father's love. I suppose that I'll just have to eventually give up my feelings for _____.

Best Friends, Aren't We? (Pt.2) (Suga X reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now