'Dampened sky'

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Suga's POV

It was a bright sunny day at the airport, and it was the best time for us to take off from the airport to head to Alaska. Not sure why they decided on such place when we could've headed to somewhere like Canada or somewhere in Europe but I can't be bothered to question them. Besides... I'm mostly thinking about what can I do about changing the past.

I sighed in mental exhaustion and frustration as I stared out the window to view the clouds at eye level.
I knew I couldn't sleep, it wasn't the best option and besides... I'll start dreaming about the past and hopefully not screw things up.

Reclining the chair back, my hands rested on my abdomen and my eyes looking up in a daze. Just tired from everything. Tired from staying awake in my dreams. Tired from seeing _____ dating Jungkook in my dream. Tired from trying to change the past. Tired from trying to tell dreams apart from reality.

Why does it have to destroy my love for sleeping? Can't I have a freaking device or like a time machine?

"I'm really excited... I hope you don't feel pressured about it..." Minji said to me quietly.
I faked a sugar sweet smile at her and caressed her hand, "No babe... I made a promise, and I have to keep it. I don't want to lose your trust."
She returned me a soft smile and a chuckle before nodding, "Alright..."


Once we arrived, we were first met with the cold air of Alaska. Snow everywhere and I have to admit, it's cold beauty really froze my thoughts away. It's beauty became my distraction.

I looked up to admire the snow as it softly fell onto the ground. My eyes sparkling in a daze as I slowly brought my hand out to touch the icy snow.
I could feel it softly landing into my palm and then melting into my warmth. How it just simmered away felt like this was a dream. How when I looked back and forth, there was no one but me. How it was only just me, and how I wished that I could stay in this dream forever.
Too bad, I couldn't.

To my right, was the van and my classmate in the front seat while her husband helped Jungkook, _____ and Minji to load their things into the van while Haneul sat in the car seat that was provided. To my left, was the airport. To my left was filled with cars; picking people up, dropping people off.
But looking up, was just the dampened sky. Being cold, dark and unnoticed as it teared softly onto the ground below.
It was like it's tears brought joy to children, "Mommy! Snow!" Haneul exclaimed loudly in excitement and joy. Reaching his hand out to attempt to feel the snow when he was strapped in his seat, unable to move anywhere further than the edge of the seat.
It was like it was being reminded that it's tears brought problems to people, "Damnit," a local driver grunted and kicked the snow, "Why does it have to snow now?! Driving will be such a pain."

With all these happening around me, I looked up and enjoyed the scene. Feeling it land softly onto my pale skin and just freeze me away from reality.

Imagine if _____ and I could have our first kiss in the snow

I sighed and smiled to myself before averting my attention to the van which was nearly done loading.

"Uncle Min-Min! Snow!" Haneul exclaimed and pointed to the sky with his chubby baby fingers.
I chuckled and stretched out my finger to catch one snow flake to bring it to him.
The look on his face was adorable. He gasped and stared at my big fingers, compared to his, and looked back at me; as if asking for permission to touch it.
"Touch." I tell him softly, showing a soft, sweet smile. Expressing my gentle love and care for my best friend's child.
He looked up at me, hesitating to touch the snow flake on my finger.
"Before it disappears Haneul." I said, bringing my finger closer to him.
He sank back in the chair, careful of our distance between each other and unsure if he should touch my finger or not to.

Best Friends, Aren't We? (Pt.2) (Suga X reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now