GS SCANDAL: Chapter 1

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Hi Guys.

I posted a story before (which no one read) so i started to make a story with a more eye-catching title in hopes of greater reads. Hope you like this! This story is written in the point of view of Tim Jones. Here is a short summary of the story, so that you might have a short overview of the plot.

Tim Jones, a teenager a little bit unsure about his sexual orientation, had to transfer between Los Angeles to Stanford City for his parent's business moved there for better sales. He went to the East Of Eden University where he met Chris Felts. Tim and Chris instantly became friends and as they journey through their Junior Year, they discover the real truth about their sexual orientation. They fell in love discreetly behind their dorm room walls. Chris' friends noticed his special attention for Tim and decided to sleuth around them two. Brad, a friend of Chris, in the midst of Chris and Tim making love, caught the act and videotaped them two. The video circulated around the campus and as they two found out about this, things became different. They started to ignore each other feeling ashamed. This story delves into Tim's life how he handled the scandal. How he has been changed for the better. At the point of renewal, Tim met a girl named Natalie. This girl empathized his situation while Tim's friends look back on him. Can Tim move on from all this shame? What help may Natalie's presence affect him? This story best depicts the importance of family and friends.

Chapter One

I ran a last check on myself, making sure that everything's perfect on my first day in the new school. I was standing in front of the entrance door. The place is huge all covered with red bricks. I could barely see the massive sign East of Eden University from where I am standing. The place is tall and for some reason, felt creepy. The old-fashioned edifice made me believe that one of those 50s horror movies was shot here.

EEU lies in the middle of nowhere. The drive to my school was considerably distant from the metropolis. My mom told me it's a thing for me to get used to here, for at usual times at my old school; I'd squander around town and deliberately cut classes. I have to stay in a dormitory for the drive home was way too far. This harsh fact made me tenser.

I had to transfer for the fact that my mom is a businesswoman who apparently didn't do well selling clothes in our old town and decided to take a leap of faith here in Stanford, California 300 miles away from my hometown, Los Angeles. Rich kids were mom's potential customers and Stanford is the place to be.

The tinted windows on the door served as a mirror for me. I fixed my messy, golden-brown hair with my bare hands deciding whether to put on a sexy-messed-up look or a neatly done hair. I was being too self-conscious. I was just hopeful of getting good impressions from my new peers.

An inviting voice disturbed my vain-attempt-to-look-good moment.

"Hey!" The voice seemed to come from a friendly guy.

I looked back. It felt like I was taken away from my suspicious speculations of this school as I saw a face of an angel. Thank God people here weren't vampires.

I had to admit I was a little bit humiliated for being seen acting queerly fixing myself like a girl. Well, apparently, I'm a dude. I had been acting like a girl often though but I try my best clouding up people's mind by acting like a real dude. I don't like girls instead for some reason like boys. Confusing isn't it? I've been reluctant about that issue ever since. Don't get me wrong, I don't consider myself being a gay person but I undeniably like boys; for some reason that is. No one knows about all these except my dog, Green, who unfortunately was left behind in my house with my parents. No pets were allowed in school. I tend to talk to him about my ambivalent feelings towards my sexual orientation.

I gazed at the guy in awe, observing his irresistible green eyes. He was wearing a black leather jacket. Underneath it was a shirt perfectly fitting his body tracing every inch of perfection. His hair was James dean-ish and golden brown like mine. His lips were so tender-looking I can almost imagine his on mine. His denim jeans seemed to be straight from the 70s. Classic beauty never is long-gone I must say.

He must've noticed my heavy glare and decided to ask me.

"Have we met before?" He said with a tone almost like that of men from the 50s.

I suddenly froze back from reality.

"M-me? Uhhh... I doubt it. I'm new here." I said stuttering in a faint attempt to be as confident as possible.

"Right. I see that. You seem so nervous." He said with a seductive beam.

"Yeah. It's my first day and I don't know anyone from here yet." I said hoping he'd introduce himself.

"By the way, my name is Chris. Chris Felts. And you are?" Well, he did.

"Oh, I'm Tim. My real names Timothy. Just call me Tim. Tim Jones." I wasn't that much nervous now. I feel safe with him.

"Mind if I tour you around the campus?" He glanced at his watch. "We still have 20 minutes 'till class. Would you mind? It'll be my pleasure."

"Uhhh... Sure! It'll be my pleasure too."

He spoke like a grumpy old man. I mean his choice of words not his voice. His certain gestures or maybe his politeness made me feel like he put to life Romeo. I reckon my grandfather who passed away last year talked liked him. This guy is watching way too much Black and White movies. It wasn't a bad thing though; guys like him were scarce in this modern time.

He opened the door for me, like I was a girl. It's weird how he treats me so kindly though I've been just an hour old here and we barely know each other. Maybe it was just his empathy for new students.

"Come on in." He said reaching his hand for mine. I didn't hesitate and took it.

As he opened it, I was shocked and could not believe my eyes.

Whoa. This school is way a heck of a rollercoaster than it looked from the outside. Lockers were flung open. Boys were excessively showing their love for their girls making out through the corridors. Some girls were wearing much of a Go-go Dancer costume than appropriate clothes. Rich kids, my mom told me my classmates would be. Rich kids here were too spoiled, too liberated to be true.

"You're gonna get used to this chaos, Tim." He said as we walked the disorganized hallway.

Chris must be very popular here for as we walked, people would stop and stare at him without even noticing me. A lot of girls, as we walk by, would swoon over him but Chris deliberately ignores the attention.


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I'll be posting Chapter 2 right after.

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