Chapter Four

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As she walked in, Drop felt the power radiating throughout the Arena

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As she walked in, Drop felt the power radiating throughout the Arena. The intricacy of the palace froze right at its doorstep, transforming into a black hollow. Swords hung neatly along the length of the walls. Their sharp edges waiting to devour blood. She walked midst of fifty other Dreamers like her. All taking in their training ground for the next couple of months.

'This place is insane....' A short girl treading next to Drop remarked. Jack, was her roommate and it looked like she had practised fighting skills just for this day. It wasn't unusual though, she had come from up North. A region that produced best soldiers in the kingdom.

'.....And the trainer is so damn hot! I'm loving this place.'

Drop followed her gaze to Vaz. Standing at ease looking at something above their heads. He indeed looked stunning in a high collared jacket and loose trousers.

'True' Drop winked at Jack.

The crowd formed a semicircle around him. Drop surveyed the rest of them. They were only introduced briefly with each other during the dinner last night. There was a well built boy who looked around him in confusion. A tall, dark haired girl like her who was busy playing with the sand beneath, as if she didn't care. The was only one other person she had talked to at the dinner except Jack. His name was Archer, a dusky brown haired guy from the Farmer's Land. Drop found him standing on the edge of the crowd gazing at her. He smiled, Drop smiled back. Her cheeks flushing probably from the heat, she thought. She turned to face Vaz, who was staring right in her direction. His black eyes piercing through her's.

'Welcome!' It was a voice that thundered from behind them that made them break the eye contact.

Everyone turned to see Rex standing in the doorway in an attire similar to Vaz's. Fifty pair of eyes followed him as he cut through the crowd and stood next to Vaz.

Drop felt the heat surging through her cheeks, she feared they would explode any moment.

'Welcome Dreamers, to the Center of the kingdom. Coming straight to the point, you all know that our nobility and the Royals themselves are plagued by nightmares. Nightmares so horrible that they fear them even when they are not asleep. Someone who also is, I might think a Dreamer himself, is behind all of this. He is weakening the will of our King. And if nothing is done soon enough, the kingdom will be annexed by the enemy.'

'You all are here to prevent any of this from happening. For that you need to get into the dreams of the person you are protecting, which we will of course teach you. And some combat skills that may come in handy'

He paused for a breath and then continued

'Today is your first day of Training, in the morning you will have combat sessions and in the afternoon Dreamer sessions. Vaz will be in charge of your combat sessions and I will teach you dreaming. You will be provided with a special uniform which will identify you as a dreamer... any questions?'

He paused again for a breath and before anyone could cook up a question he spoke again.

'That's all for now then, you may collect your uniforms from the stall outside the Arena and report back at 8 am sharp'.


'What kind of uniform is this?' Jack had a giant look of disapproval on her face watching the other girls fit into a gray cargo jumpsuit, in vast corridor modified to become the changing room. Drop eyed the package she held in her hand. The janitor had shoved the uniforms in their hand without giving a second glance. Will it even fit?

Both of them changed in silence. On the Contrary, the jumpsuit was actually quite comfortable, one could move flexibly in every way possible. But how could a Center dress be complete without a touch of Sapphire blue. there was this plain satin sash along with it, made to hook around the waist.

'Ready?' Jack asked as Drop began to slide the sash along her waist.

'You go ahead, I'll join you' Drop sensed her eagerness to walk onto the arena.


Drop watched Jack bounce away as she struggled with the hook. Her fingers slipping on the soft cloth.

'STOP!' A female voice suddenly echoed in the empty hallway.

Drop turned around to see Vaz emerging from a single door formed down the corridor. He was barely out of the doorway when a feminine hand grabbed his collar from behind.

'You have to be with me tonight' The girl spoke, instead ordered him. Which Drop thought was something very unusual. Vaz wasn't the type of to be bossed around. The girl was still hidden behind the doorway, but part of her blue gown peeked through. A royal or a noble.

Vaz's expressions had turned dark, Drop could see that even from where she stood.

'I can't'

The mysterious girl grabbed his collar tighter pulling him closer while he resisted. So she chose to bring herself forward. Almost touching her nose with his. Drop recognized the face instantly, though she had met her only once. Princess Mona.

Drop felt a weired kind of aching in her chest. She didn't have a reason to describe it, but it was there. Envy, was what she could name it.

Their lips were about to meet when Vaz saw Drop from the corner of his eye, gaping at both of them. He pulled back immediately as if a lightning had hit him, holding her gaze.

It took a moment for Drop to recover and to realize that she had intruded on their private moment. She turned and strode away as quickly as possible out of the changing room, holing the sash around her waist.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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