5: Nico

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Letter enveloped and sealed, I entered the room containing the owl. It cawed angrily at me as I approached it. Ignoring its protests, I tied the letter to it's leg and opened the window. It seemed happy to fly away from me, which wasn't unusual for living things. I guess I kind of smelt of death.

Later that day, I returned to Diagon Alley. It was more out of curiosity than purpose, yet I did intend to purchase a couple of books. I needed to study up on the wizarding world, even though Hecate had granted me with the knowledge of advanced magic, she had not told me anything about it's history, and in this quest legitimacy would be of paramount importance.

I found one shop which was stacked full of books, and made the assumption that it would be my best option and entered. I felt around in my pocket, until I retrieved my tinted glasses. They made a world of difference to my dyslexia, now all I had to hope was that the lettering wasn't overly cursive.

I poured over the backs, until deciding that "Hogwarts, a history"
"famous wizards and witches through the ages" and "wizarding myths and legends" were my best options. I figured that I could charm them into Ancient Greek later.

After paying, I continued to walk, until I came to an intersection. Here Diagon Alley continued on one side, and on the other side, it turned into a darker looking place. The street sign read something like Knotckrun Alley, which I deciphered to Knockturn Alley. Interested, I followed the street.

It was dingy, and filled with dark looking shops. There were fewer wizards there, however those that were, were skulking around in dark robes. The street was quiet as many of the Wizards kept themselves to themselves. One shop caught my attention. Lined with black, leather bound books and black candles, it reminded me of a room in my father's palace. Gingerly I walked inside.

Many of the books referred to the dark arts. I pulled them out as I went, a hefty stack forming beside me. The man at the counter watched me, his face portraying no emotion. The doorbell tinkled again, and a boy around my age entered. His fair blonde hair was waxed back, and was glinting in the dim candle light. I watched him as he approached the counter.

"Ah, Mr Malfoy. I have the book for your father here." He said handing him a book. "Tell me, Mr Malfoy, who is that boy over there." I pretended not to hear.
"No clue." He shrugged. Then he turned and walked over to my direction. He held out his hand.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He said. I sensed an aura of death around him, but not his death. Yet somehow he was linked to it. I took his hand and shook it.
"Nico Di Angelo." I said.
"Your American." He said slowly.
"Very observant." I smiled slyly and picked up my stack of books on dark magic. Malfoy watched me as I placed them on the counter.
"Who are they for?" He asked. He was beginning to get on my nerves
"Myself." I told him, fished out twelve sickles and six galleons, placed my books in a bag and made for the exit.
"What do you need the dark arts for." He spat. I laughed dryly as he took in my appearance. Dressed all in black, with pale skin and obsidian eyes. He could no doubt feel the aura of death that I radiated. He shut his mouth.
"I like the subject of necromancy." I said and left the shop. Malfoy stood there, his mouth hanging open as he watched me leave.

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