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Nicole's POV
"Don't worry dad, I'll be back before 3 pm. I'm just going to lunch with Jason!" I called from my room.
"All right, Mom is out shopping and I'll be at work by the the time you get back!" He called.
"Okay, love you!"

When I heard my dad leave, I  pulled over a white t-shirt and some black leggings. I quickly brushed through my tangled hair with my brush, and looked in the mirror. Hmmm, somethings missing. I looked in my jewelry box and found my cross necklace, the one I got when I was baptized. I threw on a navy scarf and looked in the mirror.
"Ready to go!" I said to myself.

I couldn't wait to see Jason. We had been dating for 1 year now, so Jason decided to take me on a date at an ice cream parlor. We met when I dropped my books at school, and he helped me pick them up. When I looked up into his gorgeous eyes to say thank you, I was in love immediately. Love at first sight, I guess you could say

   I heard his car horn honking, so I slipped on my black heels and walked out.

   "Hey babe!" He called out and I walked towards him, pecking his lips.
   "Are you ready to go on our one-year date?"
   "Of course. Which parlor are we going to?" I questioned him, eyes wide open.
   "Jerry's Gelatin, of course!" He laughs.
We had our first date there, and it was always my favorite.

   When we arrived in Jason's convertible, I jumped out, pulling him along. When we got inside I ordered a double-chocolate chip black raspberry gelatin with gummy bears and chocolate syrup on top.
   "You could have just ordered raspberry." Jason muttered under his breath.
   "I love you too!" I teased, kissing his cheek and glancing at the counter, where I saw them starting our orders. My face lit up, I felt myself giggle as Jason looked up at me with his gorgeous eyes.

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