"As You Wish"

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Nicole's POV
"Where'd you wanna go?" Asked Jason, getting up from the floor and then helping me up.
"I dunno... What about Jacobi's?" I answered.
Jacobi's was the town's most popular clothing store. From cozy flannels and pj's to formal dresses and suits, Jacobi's had it all.
"Sure," he answered. "I'll pay for you. Whatever you want,"
"Nah, it's fine... I just got my paycheck from Dad's Nike out on Summer Sweet Avenue, so I'm good on money," I said.
   We got up and walked out of my house, towards my Jeep that I had gotten when I had my license last year. Jason was driving, so I crawled into the passengers seat and smiled at him.
   "Let's go!"
Authors POV
Sorry for the short chapter, lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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