Where to Go Next?

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Jason's POV
     As the waitress walked over with our orders, I saw Nicole's face light up. We often went here, because it was her favorite place. When I asked her out, we were sitting at opposite tables, texting each other. When she said yes, she looked up and saw me. She ran over and hugged me.
   "I love you"
   "I love you too!" She said, smiling.
   I looked up from my chocolate chip ice cream and smiled. Why is she so freaking beautiful? I wondered. As if on cue, she finished her ice cream, wiping her mouth on her napkin.
   "Thanks for taking me here babe." She giggled, as I reached over and clasped hands with her.
   "I love you." I smiled.
She frowned.
   "I need to ask you something, Jason." She said, but I could see her trying to hide a smile behind her grumpy face.
   "Yes, Nikki?" I said, knowing that she was never a good actor, she now making her eyes VERY big.
   "Are you going to finish your ice cream" she said innocently.
   We both looked at each other, and as soon as we made eye contact, I chuckled.
   "Sure, but you owe me next time we come here" I said, grinning at Nicole's scowling face.
   "Fine, I guess" she grumbled, but with a faint smile dancing on her lips.
   4 minutes later, Nicole had finished my ice cream, and we headed on out to go somewhere else. We had decided earlier we would o hang out at her house, and celebrate our 1 year anniversary.
   Going to Nicole's house is always fun. I don't love her because of that, but seriously. Who can complain about ANYTHING when you have a jacuzzi in your OWN PERSONAL bathroom? I mean, my house has its perks, but, her family is stinking rich. Her dad is the manager of all 4 Nike shops in town, and her mom runs a 5 star hotel.
   When we got to her house, she jumped out of the car, and ran to the front door. She ran in, but I was right behind her. I turned her around easily, and carried her up to her room, her legs straddling my back. I laid her down on her bed, and we laughed. She leaned over and started to tickle me, making me laugh and roll over. I feathered her neck, making her scrunch up and giggle, and we got up and sat on her couch.

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