Chapter 2: Enter, Vegito

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(DBZ universe, three months ago...)

Ever since Majin Buu was annihilated, Earth was at peace. The Z fighters however, had a new problem to deal with. After his proper introduction to the Z Fighters, both Chi-Chi and Bulma raised the burning issue of which side of the family is Vegito technically on. The Z Fighters were stumped as it never crossed their minds, but Vegito just raised an eyebrow and gave them a confident answer saying, why not both. Chi-Chi and Bulma at first were both hesitant to share a husband but the reminder of how hard both Goku and Vegeta always fought to protect them ultimately made them agree to it, and neither sides felt sore about it. After which the plan was for Vegito to alternate between each family every week.

As soon as he settled his family issues, Vegito visited the realm of the Kaioshins to request tutelage under Old Kai to learn more techniques and get stronger. Kibito Kai was puzzled as to why Vegito, who was already possibly the strongest being in the universe, wanted to get even stronger. As Old Kai stayed silent, Vegito just gave Kibito Kai a straight answer which was he would never know as to when someone more powerful than himself would appear out there in the vast universe. Kibito Kai just nodded as he never thought of the bigger picture, and Old Kai accepted Vegito as his student. This marked the start of Vegito's new life, juggling two families and training with the Kaioshins. With his instant transmission technique inherited from Goku, he had plenty of time for all of his daily activities and regimes. Life goes on as usual for Vegito. It was already part of his daily life, spending time with his two families and training under his new teacher. But life was not without its ups and downs.

(DBZ universe, three months time skip to the present...)

Back in Capsule Corp, the dining table was filled with plates and bowls that were stacked sky high. The household robots could not catch up clearing the number of dinnerware piling up. Finishing his last bowl of rice, Vegito felt satisfied. "Bulma, I'm heading off to Old Kai's! I'll be back by tomorrow night." Called Vegito, as he stood up and prepared to head out.

"Eh? You're leaving already Dad?" Trunks whined as he rushed out, hearing that his Father was leaving.

Kneeling down at eye level, he patted his son on the head, "I'll be gone for just two days. When I come back, I promise to bring you over to play with Goten." Vegito gave Trunks a reassuring smile.

Delighted, Trunks returned a big smile, "You promise! Yay! Mom, Dad says he'll bringing me over to Gohan nii-san's house when he gets back!" Trunks waved his hands happily at his Mom trying to get her attention as she entered the dining room.

"Okay okay I heard you." Said Bulma, responding to her son's enthusiasm before looking back at her "new" husband, "Good luck with your training."

Giving a small wave to his family, the air shimmered around Vegito before he vanished out of existence.

At the realm of the Kaioshins, Old Kai and Kibito Kai were suddenly contacted through telepathy by a certain being. "Old Kai, how many centuries has it been? I see you have been released from the Z Sword?" The being spoke. Its voice sounded deep and filled with authority. Sweat beads begun forming on Old Kai's purplish head as he felt pressured.

"I heard it was a half-Saiyan who broke the sword and released you by accident. I thought you weren't supposed to let outsiders enter the realm of the Kaioshins hmm?" The voiced continued.

Kibito Kai was frightened, he let out a gulp before the voice spoke through the mental link again, "Ah the small Kaioshin, quite amusing of you fusing with your helper. I know what you're thinking, and I won't be destroying any planets rest assured."

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