Chapter 4: Stories Revealed

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On a certain island, inside a Greek designed building was a hooded figure sneaking while looking behind her often, making sure that no one followed or was following her. She then arrived beneath a statue of an ancient God sitting on a chair with stairs leading upwards to the statue's base before proceeding to climb the stairs. At the base of the statue, there was a rectangular display stand which, on top, lay a set of gold colored equipment and uniform. Removing the hood, she turned backwards staring into nothingness with her blue sapphire eyes. "Forgive me Mother." She apologized as though her Mother was present before she turned back and took off the robes she was wearing. Picking up the golden tiara, which has a red star imprinted in the middle, she placed it on her head which fitted perfectly. She then proceeded to the rest of the items.

Back at the snow lands, Vegito was watching from a distance at how things were about to unfold. The platoon of invader foot soldiers didn't seem like much, especially against him, their power levels were dirt low even with them all combined, Vegito could just take them all out with a Ki blast. Still, he wanted to observe the abilities of the three fighters of this Earth.

"It's them!" J'onn exclaimed, as the foot soldiers rushed in to take them out, firing the same laser beams as the invader walker but smaller and at a faster rate. With his quick reflexes, J'onn threw himself and Batman to the side, behind an overturned Humvee while Superman got hit right in his chest. The Man of Steel got pushed back from the impact of the laser, his body colliding against a flipped over truck behind, leaving him stunned from the attack.

"That guy, he's holding back for sure. And he's just too reliant on that near invulnerable body of his." Vegito commented as he observed the fight.

Noticing that Superman went down, Batman reached for his utility belt and took out an exploding Batarang. "Stay down." He informed J'onn, as he got up from cover and flung the Batarang towards the foot soldiers, which few seconds later it detonated, taking a few of them out. From behind, a lone foot soldier crept up and aimed his alien rifle at the duo.

"Behind you!" J'onn alerted Batman, as he turned intangible and phased right through the Batman's body, wanting to protect him. Concentrating hard enough, an aura of psionic energy surrounded J'onn before it formed a sphere, and at the same time, the foot soldier fired a beam which hit the psionic shield that J'onn contructed in time. Unlike a normal defensive shield, the mental shield converted the physical damage into mental damage, causing J'onn to fall on his knees, his mind weak from the damage taken.

Not letting the foot soldier take another shot at them, Batman swiftly took out and flung another Batarang, which spun and hit the foot soldier on his head, knocking him out. "J'onn are you alright?" He asked. J'onn shook his head and groaned as he was weakened to the state where he could barely even stand. "Hang on!" Batman grunted as he placed J'onn's arm over his shoulder and supported him up.

"Get him to safety, I'll cover you." A fully recovered Superman told Batman as he held a tank up with his arms, tilting it slightly so that it shielded Batman and J'onn from the beams fired from the alien foot soldiers.

Reaching his Batwing, the canopy of his plane opened automatically as it sensed Batman's arrival. J'onn was placed at the backseat and Batman hopped in the pilot's seat, closing the Batwing's canopy. Seated down and mentally recovered, J'onn knew that they would need more help, his yellow eyes glowed as he opened a long distance mental link, calling out mentally to his targets for reinforcements.

Seeing that Batman and J'onn flew off safely, he had no further use for the tank, thus he threw it towards the aliens who ran for their life, and he flew off after the Batwing. The tank exploded after colliding with the military vehicles, taking out some of the aliens.

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