Chapter 8: Superman VS Vegito

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Three months had passed after the formation of the Justice League and the world returned to normal, though there were still a bit of constructions left to be finished. The world acknowledged the presence of the league, accepting them as the Earth's defense force. Of course, the heroes would also continue their duties as super heroes just like before, fighting crime and helping people. Superman was currently on his usual patrol down at Metropolis. Batman on the other hand was doing some analysis back in the Batcave.

The giant monitor screen flashed with data that updated constantly as his fingers typed swiftly on the keyboard. The Dark Knight narrowed his eyes as he analyzed the data displayed on the screen.

"None of it makes any sense." Batman thought to himself as his mind raced to at least find a hint on the problem but it was futile.

Ever since the end of the invasion he has been trying to come up with a countermeasure for the Saiyan just like what he did for the rest of the league members just in case. But the data he got through analyzing Vegito's DNA did not add up. It showed Vegito as an above average human being but with much denser bones and tissues as well as a metabolism that exceeds Flash's. His cells also repair themselves at a much faster rate and to top it all off, they get stronger so as to compensate for the damage. But that was pretty much it for the Saiyan's anatomy. Based on the data, any method of disabling a normal human being such as Batman himself would work on Vegito, but in the battle with the Imperium that was not the case. Heck, even a blast from the alien walker that stunned Superman did not even faze the Saiyan. Mentally exhausted, he sat back on his computer chair and decided to take a break before heading to the watch tower together with Superman.

Back at the watch tower, J'onn stood before numerous monitor screens, each showing live news feeds on the happenings all over the world. As a martian, sleep was not necessary for his race, and thus he stood for 24/7, watching out for any events that requires the league's immediate attention.

The hangar opened as Javelin returned from Earth with its passengers. It was a white colored ship made by Batman exclusively for the watch tower and was modelled after the Batwing, hence they look similar. Alighting the ship was Diana, Hawk Girl, Flash and Lantern as they made their way towards the central hall where J'onn was.

"Man I could use a break right about now." Flash commented as he cupped his hands behind his head.

Lantern retorted, "Aren't you always taking one? Hitting on girls on every opportunity you have."

"Well, hitting on girls takes up energy too y'know? It doesn't count." Flash counter-argued.

Hawk Girl then joined in on the conversation, "Well, for the fastest guy alive, you got rejected pretty fast too."

"Hey!" Flash replied on reflex while Diana merely chuckled.

As they walked into the hall, J'onn turned his head and gave them a nod, acknowledging their presense. As the gang were conversing, they were soon joined by Superman and Batman who just arrived in the Batwing. J'onn, seeing as everyone has gathered, flew down from his post and joined them as well.

Diana looked about but failed to locate her target of interest. "Where's Vegito?"

"Downstairs, in the training room." J'onn replied.

"He said something about wanting to train when he got back."

"Well someone's making good use of his free time." Hawk Girl commented.

It was the first time ever that the heroes were free after their patrol duties and to be honest, none of them expected it to be today. Thus, no one had plans.

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