Chapter 5: Regroup

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"We are reporting live from Metropolis. The alien walkers continue to clear the area around the impact site." A reporter commented while the alien walkers fired beams, destroying ground troops that tried to get too close to the meteor.

"General Wells, the military seems unable to stop them, why?"

The general of the U.S. army replied, "All our big missiles have been disarmed, and our self-proclaimed protector isn't here to save us."

A sudden rumbling from the meteor caught the attention of everyone, and the noise only grew louder. Yellowish smog shot out from within the meteor as it started to crumble, revealing black bio-mechanical tendrils that reached upwards. Everyone could only stare helplessly as the tendrils merged into what looked like a factory of sorts, pumping the same yellowish smog from before into the atmosphere, while drilling into the earth with its drill.

At a distance away where the heroes are, Vegito sensed huge disturbances of Ki in a few places around the world.

"Looks like it's starting." Everyone turned to the Saiyan and then towards the direction he was looking. Dark yellowish cumulonimbus clouds filled the sky, expanding outwards.

"What are they doing?" Hawk Girl was curious about the current situation.

"The invaders are nocturnal, they are setting up these factories to block out the sun." J'onn also mentioned that inside each factory has a core that powers the entire structure called the matrix crystal. Thus removing the crystal would shut down the entire factory.

The Flash eyed Batman. "Friends of yours?" He joked. The flash always tried to keep things cool, he disliked being in tensed situations.

"This is no laughing matter." The batman replied in a serious tone, clearly annoyed by Flash's attitude of taking everything lightly.

Seeing as his efforts to lighten up the mood did not have any effect, the Flash gave up. "Couldn't you cook up another one of those gas that you used to take out those aliens?" He asked J'onn who replied that it was impossible as the ingredients can only be found on Mars, which was already depleted of its resources.

"Or, we could take down those factories." Vegito remarked, Diana agreed as she was about to say the same thing.

"This isn't an amateur's game you two." Though he saw what they could do, John Stewart did not trust on the two newcomers' abilities to handle the situation.

Diana could not let her pride as an Amazon warrior be brought down like that. She flaunted her strength with her words, "We amazons are warriors born. Want to test me?" She stared directly at Lantern.

"An amateur you say? Wanna have a go at it right now?" Vegito smirked while having his arms folded. He did not mind having a little spar, you know, as a warm up before engaging the current situation the Earth is currently facing.

"Why you..." John readied his ring as it glowed a green hue.

Not wanting any conflict, Superman jumped in between the trio. "Now, let's not fight among ourselves..." The Man of Steel had never handled conflicts between teammates before, well, he had no experience being in such a big team either. Thus it felt a little awkward.

"Yeah dude, didn't you see how Princess handled herself? Don't even get me started on that guy!" The newcomers sure have left quite an impression on Flash at least, as he seemed excited at them.

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