bookwormDS ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

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Second in our interviews with upcoming Wattpad Authors is bookwormDS. She is one of my favorite people on Wattpad also and very humble and sweet. Plus she writes amazing fanfiction. Not gonna say or spoil anything but... *cough* TEAMZAYREE *cough*.... Yeah, so. This is part one of her interview its just to get to know her a bit better. Hope you like! My questions asked is in the bolded black.

Name: bookwormDS

Date Joined Wattpad: August 24th 2013

Whats your Birthday?  September 27

 If you could learn any language fluently what would it be? Spanish

What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st centuary life? Audrey Hepburn

 As a kid were you ever frighted of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard? Yes, but the closet.

 Do you like clowns? Sometimes.

Can you curl your tounge? Yep :P

 Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? I know it's weird, but both.

 What would be your dream car? Fiat

 Are you left or right handed? Leftie :)

Have you ever helped someone across the road? Yep

 Have you ever been horseriding? Not on my own.

 Have you ever walked a tightrope? Yes!

 Have you ever demolished a wall or building? Nope, I'm not Miley. Lol sorry that was mean :$

If you and a friend both wanted the same thing would you let the friend get it first?  I would like to say yes, but no.

Have you ever argued over who should pay for something? Yes

 Do you have any family heirlooms? Not that I know of

 Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous? Not really.

 Whats your favourite ocean? Um, Pacific?

 Do you correct peoples mistakes? Yes, all the time

 Have you ever helped out an injured animal? Yes

Do you throw bread for the ducks? Yes

Hope you liked her interview! I loved it, this is only part one so stay tuned for part two! The song she reminds me of is on the side.


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