So! Hi this is AnarchyNerd here and as I said I will be doing interviews with a series of writers and I'm glad that some had said yes! So to start things off I ask several of them random questions just to get to know them a bit. This is part one questions of her interview. One of my favorite people now Cookiesndmilk will start us off and I seriously love her responses. This is what I asked. My questions are in the bold and black.
Name: Desiree Wolfe
Date Joined Wattpad: AAhh that magical day XD 01 -07 -2013 (I may or may not have had to check my profile XD)
Whats your Birthday? That OTHER magical day, that day when a hero was born that day when somebody destined to spend hours on wattpad and get high on white out.. that day... I'm out of ideas so..... DECEMBER 6!
If you were in a band, what instrument/role would you play? DRUMS! I've always wanted to learn how to play those :D
Can you erect a tent? XD OMG I'm laughing so hard right now XD 'erect' LOL That sounds so wrong. (EXCuse my dirty mind) Dirty Jokes aide, no I actually don't :p If I try I might end up with a nail through my hand or something XD
Do you suck or bite lollipops? OMG LOL THIS SOUNDS SO FRIGGIN WRONG... Like are you trying to seduce me???!! XD JK Anyway.. LOL I SUCK THEM BAD BOYS *wink wink* OMG I feel like a pedophile just ignore me..
Have you ever used the yellow pages? YUP XD worst 20 minutes of my life XD I lost the pizza delivery's phone number XD Omg the look on my face when I found out I was looking in the wrong section for 15 minutes...
If you have an mp3 player what size is it? I have an iPod 5 if that counts...? XD OMG I LOVE MUSIC BTW
Do you still have any music on vinyl or casettes? LOL I DONT XD But I saw my parents wedding on one OMG when my moms brothers were acting like morons and dancing... LMAO
Do you still have a camera that uses conventional film? I don't but I saw my grandmas ancient camera XD LOL ITS SO KEWL
Approximately how many DVD's do you have? Oh god... All my barbies included? Like 89 XD The rest... illegally watch them online cause aint nobody who got money fo dat.
Approximately how many Albums do you have? Thats easy.. Exactly 82 albums :)
Do you talk to yourself? OMG at times when I get frustrated, I go to a secluded area and rant my head off to nothing XD Once I was studying for this test (in my tinkerbell pjs mind you) and at one point starting ranting my head off about how much school sucks. Well my mom forgot to mention that some really posh guests were to visit us that day and their daughter walked in on me while I was in the middle of a very expressive rant XD OMG HER FACE... 0.O and I was just like 'Hi' .-.
Do you sing to yourself? Nope cause I have mercy on my poor ears XD I SUCK SO BAD AT SINGING.. Like... resultinginbleedingears type of singing.
Do you know any identical twins? NAH but there were these triplet blonde cheerleadery girls in 8th grade 0.o Omg whenever you went up to them and tried to talk to them the other two would kinda stare you down.. *shudder* so creepy.
Have you ever given blood? Nah but I'd love to in the future :)
Could you ever be a medical guineapig? LOL WHUTTTTT? NOPE I'd probably spoon somebodys guts out by accident or something
Whats your favourite radio station? VIRGIN~ OMG ITS SO AWESOME
Whats your favourite letter of the Alphabet? Z its just so uncommonly used...idk
Which is better? rollerblade or rollerskates? ROLLERBLADES OMG I KNOW HOW TO USE EM AND I LOVE ITTTT
Have you ever written a love letter? Nah, as you can tell im not really an emotional and sappy person :)
How many valentines cards did you recieve this/last year? LOL I was sick on valentines XD And this pervy dude was trying to flirt with me and I kinda kneed him in the balls so guys kinda keep distance from me XD and I dont mmind one bit
What are cooler? Dinosaurs or Dragons? DRAGONZZZZ
Have you ever made your own ice lollies? OMG YESHHHHH LOL I first saw them in Ed Edd and Eddie and I was like 'MUST MAKE'
Have you ever made your own Ice cream? TRIED TO.. ended up mopping the whole floor XD What?! I didn't know I was supposed to shake the bag just a little ?!
Which forgeign language did you have to learn at school? Le Francais THE LANGUAGE OF LOVVEEE
Have you ever accidentally set fire to yourself? As tempting as that sounds...nope but due to the increased levels of clumsiness im going through..probably will XD
So I hope you loved her and her responses because I do know. I was laughing all the way through. Stay tuned for her part two! The song that she reminds me of is in the side.

Creativity: A Book of Upcoming Writers {Completed}
AcakA collection of Interview with Wattpad's newest and brightest authors... ©JustAnOldVCR 2013-2014