One_Of_Us ヽ(^ω^)人(^▽、^)ノ

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Hello! This is Anarchy and this is our third installment of ou series of interviews with upcoming writers! We will love to welcome One_Of_Us a talented writer here on Wattpad and she is also another Simpsons fan which I am hardcore over! As susal this is to give you alittle bit of knowledge on how the author is so these questions are meant to be funny and silly! Hope you liked her inerview because I did! The questions I asked her is in the bold and black.

Name: Nadia Curtis (LoveTMB) - Old wattpad name- (One_Of_Us) New wattpad name. Note. This name was not based on the ginger saying ''One of us.'' It was based on the song One Of Us by Joan Osborne because I was going through a very religious faze.

Date Joined Wattpad: Technically I first joined in January but I didn't like it linked to my Facebook so I made another one in April 22 2013.

Whats your Birthday? 4th June 1997.

Do you think any kind of afterlife exists? Yes. I believe in human afterlife, not animal, though I so want to be a cat in my next life. Catholics don't believe in life after death but I'm a weird Catholic.

Would you kill an innocent person if you thought it might mean saving a dozen other people? Depends. If the people I was saving were the skanky girls that bullied/bully me then no I wouldn't kill anybody.

What’s the most money you've ever given away? 200 pounds in ToysRUs.

What’s the biggest personal change you've ever made? Probably reading. I never used to read until last year around summer and now I can't stop it. I've changed my carrier path and everything.

What’s the stupidest thing you've ever done? Shaved off my eye brows. Don't judge. I'm not proud. I was 12 and just turning 13 when I though one day in the bath ''I hate my eye brows.'' In my defense it was only half a brow but a particular skanky girl told everybody it was both.

What eye color do you find sexiest? Dark brown and blue.

White, milk, or dark chocolate mocha? Milk and white. I'm not a fan of dark.

If you could get a Sharpie tattoo on your back, what would it be? My forever soulmates name and a three D jigsaw that looked so cool.

Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it? I grew up and a, still growing up in a rather small town. I live of the base of a large city center in Scotland so yeah pretty cool.

Your favorite adult as a child? not your parents. Professor Potts from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I've always wanted a dad like him.

What kind of smoothie sounds really good right now?  Banana and Strawberry.

Have you ever watched the Superbowl all the way through? Only on the Simpsons.

Have you ever watched any major sporting event drunk? I don’'t drink. Its bad, it kills 10,000 brain cells and it tastes horrible.

If you had to move to another country, where would you move? New York. Its my dream place.

Have you ever eaten Ethiopian food? No

Vietnamese? Korean? Nepalese? How was it? Eh? I don't know?

What happens when you get 'half scared to death' twice? I hold onto my heard to feel how fast it is and stop breathing, then start, then stop, then start and start talking about what happened.

Is it true cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny? Yes.

If all the world's a stage, where does the audience sit? Well the worlds round so I'd say the stage is a Theater in the round so it would be everywhere. I take drama in school so this is helpful.

It it's tourist season why can't we shoot them? Because they're awesome with their little bumbags. When I went to London I had two bumbags.

Why are the alphabets in the order that they are? Is it because it's a song? No. Alphabet spaghetti.

If you write a book about failure, and it doesn't sell, is it called success? No. It would be called fail.

If work is so terrific, how come you get paid for it? Because we work for it.

If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the others drown too? I imagine that a hot lifeguard drops into Baywatch mode and saves the swimmer.

Are the good things that come to people who wait, the leftovers of people who went before them? Possibly.

Why did Yankee Doodle name the feather in his hat Macaroni? Because he covered it in cheese.

Isn't Disney World a people trap operated by a mouse? if you've seen the Simpsons episode where they go to Disneyland then you'll know that when Bart gets lost they lock him in the amusement ride because he's a lost kid.

Why aren't blueberries blue? Because they want to give people surprises.

Why is Greenland called Greenland, when it's white and covered with ice? Isn't that Iceland?

What if Batman gets bitten by a vampire? He turns into Vampire-batman.

Why do all the superheroes wear underpants on the outside? To show they're really manly under the tights.

What's the most delicious food you've ever eaten in your life? Yorkshire puddings with gravy.

Do you pick at scabs? This is so gross but I do. I'm very scientific and I love studying the human body so I like to pull out my microscope and inspect.

Favorite kind of bean? Not really a bean girl unless my mums making Toast, Beans and Cheese.

How far can you throw a baseball? Very far. I've been nagging at my teacher to get a Baseball team going on in the school. We call it rounders.

so that's the end! I would love to thank One_Of_Us for agreeing to do this intrview with me! This is part one and Part Two will be coming soon. The song that she reminds me of is on the side.


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