First Incounter

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(~Edited On: 11/17/2020~)

Vivian's P.O.V:

The city of England was a sad place during night fall. While noble men, women and children all sat in their warm homes some of us less fortunate are left to die on the streets. Of course, I couldn't be upset at them. No I was upset at my Mother and Father who had abandon me on the street to defend for myself, at the age of five. Of course I loved my parents dearly but not anymore. They just tossed me a side when they told me that they didn't need me anymore.

I was a small child at the time, and I didn't know what they ment, now I do. They though that I was just a toy for their own game and once I wasn't useful anymore they just threw me away. I can't tell you how many times I have almost died, from starvation, or from the cold winter days, or from criminals who wanted to use me for unspeakable things. The only shelter I have is a box the size of a body where I hide my blanket, my pillow made of newspapers, and an old but adorable little bunny doll I've had since I've was just a baby.

The people in London would see me and take pity, they would give me change and anything that would help. I am greatful but my anger still grows for those who have thrown me away. I laid in my box, and tried to stay warm from the upcoming winter cold closing in. I held my bunny doll close and closed my eyes, trying to dream of wonderful dreams as sleep overpowered me.

I was woken up five minutes later to the sounds of my rumbling stomach. I opened my eyes as I clenched my stomach in pain from the light dinner I had, small scraps of bread, and a small piece of chicken. I sat up and opened the lid of my box, looking out the alley I lived in, when I saw a shadow pass before looking down the alley. I quickly hid inside my box and held my bunny doll close.

'Please leave, please leave, please leave....'

I tried hard not to scream as I heard heavy footsteps come closer to my box. I sqeezed my eyes shut when the lid of mh box was yanked opened. I slowly looked up, trying not to gag at the smell of cigars and alcohol. I looked up at a man who looked like was in his forties with an unshaven face. He smiled before reaching into my box.

"Hey little one, what's an adorable girl like you doi-Ahha!"

Before he could touch me I bit down on his hand, allowing me time to quickly jump out of the box. I ran down the alley and into the street, looking around to see if anyone was around, before I heard the man scream after me.

"You're going to pay for that kid!!"

I ran down the street to my left, trying to ignore the small broken shards of glass piercing my freezing, bare feet. I continued to run, ignoring the pain. I must have ran three blocks, because I found myself all alone in the middle of the street. I stopped to take a quick breath before someone grabbed me from behind, and covered my mouth. I tried to claw his hands away as he laughed into my ear.

"You know... For biting me... You're going to have to something for me..."

His hand that wasn't holding my mouth began to wonder down to my torn, worn out dress. I gasped as he soon, began to lift my dress above my knees and I tried to scream.

"Excuse me sir, but what are you doing to that young lady?" A new voice said.

'God please no! Not another man!'
I slowly opened my eyes and saw another man sightly taller then the one holding me, with him was a young boy. The man holding me turned to them both and glared, tightening his grip on me.

"Back off ***hole, she's mine." He growled, as he held me closer, and completely blocked anyway for me to breath.

"You are suffocating her." The boy said, before the man laughed as he let go of my dress, before pulling out a dagger from his back pocket, and held it to my left arm. I coughed on a gasp as I suddenly felt pain, and something warm running down my arm.

"You two had better leave soon or else this girl won't be the only one who dies."

The mad man said, holding and pointing the blade to both the man and the boy, that was covered in a dark liquid. My blood. I saw the boy sigh before removing an eyepatch from his right eye.

"Sebastian..." The boy muttered before, the man next to him bowed as he replied, with a small smile. "Yes My Lord..."

The next thing I knew the man holding me let go and I fell forward into the boy's arms. I shivered from both the the cold air and fear. I heard grunting and screams of pain as I slowly looked up at the boy who kneeled down, and held me close. His right eye was closed and his left eye was a deep blue. He looked at me, as if examining me if I'm in anyway hurt, aside from the injury to my arm. I slowly lost consciousness as I muttered to him. "Thank... You..."

Ciel's P.O.V:

The girl suddenly went unconscious. I laid her upper body and head on my lap as I stared at the cut that insulting man left her on her arm. I looked at the girl, she looks as if she were a sleep. She had beutiful long white hair that reminded me of those winter days I had with my mother and father. I stroked her hair as she slept. Sebastian walked up to me, as he had finished beating that man to oblivion. "My Lord, the deed you have requested is done." He said, as I looked down at the unconscious girl in my arms, and muttered back. "Good..."

"My Lord..." Sebastian called to me, and I looked up at him as he eyes the girl too. "What shall we do with the young lady?"

I turned back at the girl. She looked so very adorable when she was sleep. I turned to Sebastian as I removed my coat and wrapped it around the girl, which actually surprised Sebastian. I actually surprised myself.

"My Lord?" Sebastian said, confused.

"Pick her up Sebastian, we are taking her with us." I ordered him, as I gently laid the girl on the ground and stood up. Sebastian gently picked the girl up, something falling from her hand in the process. I looked down at the small doll she had been carrying, and picked it up, then we began to walk back to the carriage.

Normal P.O.V:

Ciel sat in the carriage as Sebastian commanded the horses on where to go. He looked down at Vivian who slept with her head on his lap. Ciel stared at her as she was gently breathing in and out. Ciel gently stroked her hair, moving some strands behind her head as he thought to himself, 'How did such a lovely girl come to live on the streets?'

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