Going Home

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Sams P.O.V
I got the call...she's awake. I got to the hospital on only thinking about what I did. And how much I know she will hate me. I walk into her room and see her mom and sister standing there. I run over and am about to kiss her forehead when I realize her mom is right there. "Hey. How do you feel?" I say softly to her. "I can't move really, but I'll be fine." She says with a smile. "I can't believe I was asleep for almost two months. I can't even remember getting in the car for a football game." She says. I give a confused look. "Most people who have concussions can't remember getting hurt." Her mom says. I look down at her IVs going into her arm. "So why did they operate on her?" I ask. Although the question slipped my mind these past few months, I was only worried about her. "They had to remove pieces of the car and glass from her chest and legs. One of them is broken from the impact." Octavia answers. I look down at her legs all bandaged. Funny, whenever I came they always had her covered up with a soft blanket. I've never seen those bandages. "When can she come home and go to school?" I ask. "Not for a while. She is coming home in a few days but she has to rest up for school." Her mom says. I look around the once stagnant room, was now vibrant, all because Zoe is awake. She has so many gifts everywhere. I want to be the one to help carry them to the car. "Thank you for all the flowers and chocolates and cards guys." Zoey says. "No problem Zo" I say. Then Aaron, Mason, and Emily walk in. "Oh my goodness my Bae is finally awake!" Emily says and Zoey giggles.
"Hey Mason?" I say
"Ya?" He responds
"Come to the vending machine with me, I'm starving." I say
He follows me out the door and once we are far enough away from zoey's room, I began to speak. "I accidentally kissed Ariana." I blurt out. Mason stops walking and gives me a weird look. "Accidentally?" He asks. "Ya, we were just finishing up a project, and I missed zoey so much." I say. He sits in silence. And we walk back to the room. Back to that smiling face who has no idea that I betrayed her.

3 Days Later
Zoey's P.O.V
I have been laying in bed for almost a month and my body hurts from being still. I'm ready to leave. The nurse wheels in a wheelchair and Sam lifts me so carefully into it. "Thanks." I say to him. And he kisses my forehead. The nurse wheels me outside and Sam is walking right next to me. He takes my hand. My mom had to work so Sam offered to drive me home. He lifted me out of the wheelchair and I feel a sharp pain where the car had smashed my leg. I have 1 broken leg several scars on my right and left thighs and stitches up the back of my skull. "Oww." I cry. "Sorry!" He says quickly setting me in the car, buckling me and shuting my door. He runs around the car and hops in. "Do you want some ice cream or something?" He asked. "I can go for a malt." I respond. He drives to UDF and parks the car. "I'll be right back." He says as he locks all the doors, keeping me safe. In about 5 minutes he comes back with two malts. "Thanks.." I say. "No problem." He says smiling. "I'm gonna carry you up the stairs when we get there." He says. "Ok." I laugh.

We pull in my drive way and notice my sister's car is here. Sam opens my door and unbuckles me, this time being extra cautious to not hurt me. He carries me to the front door and pulls out the spare key my mother gave to him the night before, and unlocks the door. He smells so good. I hang my arms around his neck. Sam starts to walk up the steps and I hang on tightly, although I know he won't drop me. He reaches the top of the stairs and turns toward the left hand door when my bedrooms on the right, "no Sam my bedrooms-" I start to say before he opens the door wide open to see my sister and Mason making out. "Oops, my fault.." Sam says closing the door. I giggle and he turns around and enters my room. "I wish my room was as clean as yours." He says. And he lays me down in the bed. "I'm so glad to be home." I puff. "I'm glad to." He says

Authors note
Sorry I know it's long and boring I just feel like that was an important part of the story. Thank you!

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