The Fight

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Zoey's P.O.V
I've been laying in my fluffy stuffed animals and tons of pillow pets for what seems like forever. I have changed out of my drenched clothes and into PJs. I can't believe he would do that to me. I was in a coma, and he kissed someone else. "I missed you." His words replay. And then I have to go to school with him tomorrow. I sigh and fall back onto my bed. I hear feet coming up the steps. "Hey sis." Octavia says coming around the corner into my doorway. I've already decided not to tell Octavia about Sam. She worries to much. "What's up?" She asks. Darn I forgot to say hi to her now she thinks something's wrong. "Nothing just stressing over this project." I say casually. Nailed it. "Oh, well good luck with that" she says as she makes a swift exit.
I cover my face with a pillow and try not to think about it. But really, it's the only thing that comes to mind.

Aaron's P.O.V
I've been waiting for about 5 minutes at my locker when Emily comes from around the corner. "Hey emm." I say to her. I gave her that nickname a while back. "Hey Aaron." She says smiling. Her blonde hair waving creating a curtain over her face as she bends down to put stuff in her bottom locker. "Can we go to lunch? I'm starving." She says. "Ya let's go." I respond. She practically drags me all the way there. I see that Octavia, Mason, Miles and Sam were already there. But I notice Zoey's missing. "What's up guys?" I say to Mason and Sam as we do our 'secret handshake.' "hey octavia, let's go get some lunch I'm so hungry." Emily says. "Ya let's go." Octavia responds. They get up to get in line. "I'm coming too." Says Miles. They get in line. "So how was the football game last night?" I ask. "We won, 10-4" Sam says flexing his muscles. "Hey have you guys seen Zoey? I haven't talked to her in a while." I say. "Ya, she should be here any minute." Mason says. And then Ariana sits down at the table and throws her stuff down with a sigh. "What's wrong?" Sam asks her. "Calculus.." she says. Sam shakes his head. "Ya I would feel bad if I actually knew what that is." Sam responds. We all laugh. "Hey miles!" Mason yells. "Back up." Mason says again. Back up? What does that even mean. I look over at the girls and miles in line. He was smiling and they were laughing. "Hey?" I say, almost beginning to stand up when I feel Mason push down on my shoulder. "I got him bro- hes on a leash. Trust me, I wouldn't let him even lay a finger on any of them." He says laughing. I smile. But I keep a close eye on them.

1 Hour Later
Aaron's P.O.V
I walk into the learning Commons for study hall and I see him. Flirting with her. Again. I tell myself to calm down. I walk over and sit down. "Hey." I say to Emily. "Hi." She says back grinning. "We can't get this work done if you keep making me laugh." She says to Miles. "Ya, maybe if you would stop flirting with her, I wouldn't have to beat your ass." I say nonchalant. I wish I could take the words back as soon as I said them, because the look Emily just gave me was gut wrenching. "I wish you would..." he said to me. I stood up, then he followed. we stare at each other for a minute. Then I feel Emily tug at my arm. I look down at her, her eyes say not to. But I want to so bad. Just as I start to listen to her Miles says "you scared?" And then I'm already done with patience.

Zoey's P.O.V
"Hey how's your day been?" Octavia asks me as we sit in the learning commons. "I -" I begin but I'm interrupted by some ruckus in the middle of the room. The learning commons has high ceilings and is huge, decorated with books on shelves all around (it's also the library, and yes I said ruckus) I turn to see what looks like Miles and Aaron fighting. I stand up and walk forward. The kids in the room are just staring, not helping. "Hey!" I yell. They continue to fight. Miles takes a few good punches from Aaron. Emily is standing parallel to me also yelling at them. Octavias behind me. Sam appears and pulls Aaron off of miles. And Mason helps up miles. I don't want to look at Sam. But I notice I'm staring at him as he's holding Aaron back.

💓💓💓💓Authors Note💓💓💓💓
Hope you guys enjoyed Aaron's chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it. Tell me what you think! Thanks

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