Acceptance Letter

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I sighed as sweat dripped off of my face and into my hair and bed sheets. Staring up at the ceiling watching the fan going around only fast enough to taunt me, but not fast enough because it was still unbelievably hot in here. "This is the longest day in my life..." I sighed and wanted to get up and get my glass of water, but I was too lazy and my sweaty skin was sticking to the sheets. I sat up on my sheets and looked at my water glass on the opposite side of the room. I stared at it intensely telling it in my mind that I wanted it to come to me. It was wavering and the water swooshed around in side. I thought it was just about to lift off of the ground when a group of the other girls from the orphanage barged into my room. They were laughing like they just saw the most hilarious thing on earth.

"What the hell do you think you're doing (y/n)?" Veronica sneered and the other two girls chuckled which made me guess that they were watching me through a crack in the door.

"Don't you have better things to do other than spying on me?" I sighed and stood up to manually get my glass of water I so desired.

"Don't flatter yourself." She huffed and smirked grabbing my glass of water before I could. 

"Hey!" I said with a dry throat.

"What were you getting this? Don't bother its mine now." She smiled evilly and started drinking the water slowly, making sure to over exaggerate every sip so I would be jealous. 

I was angry... "Fine I'll get a new one." I closed my eyes trying to control my anger, but the glass in her hand disappeared only leaving the water which fell all over her. I heard her shriek in horror as I barged past her two side kicks. I trudged through the hallways angry, pissed off, and fed up with Veronica and her lackeys. I muttered incoherent things to myself when I accidentally ran into someone in the hallway. When I looked up, I saw a man with straight black hair that went down to his neck and he was dressed in all black robes looking down on me with an intimidating expression. I hastily jumped back. "Oh uh I'm sorry." I said and tried not to look so nervous, but I couldn't help it.

"Are you (y/n) Riddle?" He asked and my eyes widened. Wait? Was he actually here to see me? Did I have a visitor? But I don't know anyone? My mind raced with numerous thoughts and questions and I realized that I still hadn't answered him.

"Y-yes!" I tried to answer quickly, but it came out more like a yell.

"I have an important letter for you?" he said as he revealed a yellow tinted letter with my name on it in cursive.

An important letter for me? For me? Are they sure? I'm not exactly an important person. "Thanks?" I said questionably and looked at him curiously as I took the letter from his hand. "Um... One question. Who are you?" I asked actually a bit suspicious.

"I am professor Snape from Hogwarts the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He said so casually.

"The school for what?" I asked aghast that such a thing might exist.

"Just read the letter..." he said sounding a bit annoyed and I thought that it would be best to comply. I opened the letter and read it out loud...


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms Riddle,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall" My eyes scanned the page over and over trying to believe what I was reading. 

"I-is this for real? Like are you playing a joke on me?" I asked desperately hoping that it wasn't a joke.

"Do I look like someone who plays jokes?" He asked rolling his eyes and I was doing leaps and bounds inside my head smiling like an idiot. 

"So this means I'm a witch? Awesome! And you must be a wizard! Can you show me some magic?" I asked wanting to see what a real wizard could do.

"No." He said simply. "I take it that you are accepting your position in the school?"

Though I was disappointed that he did;t show me any cool magic tricks I nodded my head yes excitedly.

"Good. Then lets go. We need to get you your supplies." We were both walking side by side and I turned over to the second page to see all the supplies I needed.

"Wait!" I heard a shout behind me and both I and Snape turned around to see where the noise was coming from.

"Veronica? What do you want?" I asked completely sick of her.

"Where the hell do you think you're going bitch? You're not going anywhere till you grovel for my forgiveness after what you did to my shirt." She said crossing her arms. I was about to say something when Snape stepped in front of me and pulled out a wand aiming it at her.

"Engorgio Skullus" He said an there was a flash of light emanating from his wand that zapped Veronica. At first nothing happened, but then her head started swelling to twice its size. Well she always did have a big head. I thought to myself trying not to laugh. After that, like nothing had happened, Snape and I walked out of the orphanage.

"Hey um Snape? Will her head be stuck like that forever?" I asked only feeling slightly bad.

"No... that hex will wear off in a day or two, then she will be back to normal. But you must not make mention that I preformed a spell on a muggle like that. No muggles can know of our magic world. There are serious crimes for those." He said seriously keeping his gaze forward. I was starting to like him now. Even if he looked a bit mean, he was actually quite nice.

"Whats a muggle?" I asked and tilted my head slightly in confusion.

He sighed at my ignorance. "A muggle is someone born without magic."

"Ohhh ok. Anyways, where do w go to find all of this wizardry stuff?" I was looking over the list again and had absolutely no idea if people even sold items such as cloaks, cauldrons, wands, spell books, and toads?

"Just follow me." he said with another exasperated sigh and I followed him without another word. We entered this small run down looking pub and though it was lively on the inside, Snape didn't stop to talk to anyone, well at least thats what he intended, however an older women wearing a green and black cloak with her greying black hair in a bun.

"Ah Severus, I've been looking for you I need you to..." She stopped when she saw me and I tried my best to smile up at her.

"I don't think this is the right time for that conversation Minerva. (y/n) this is professor McGonagall she will be your transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts." Her name registered in my head from the acceptance letter and I smiled brightly up at her.

"Hello its nice to meet you, thank you for sending me the letter inviting me into the school." I smiled sweetly and she smiled back at me like a grandmother would.

"Of course dear have a good time and I'll see you in class. I'll just leave you and Professor Snape to gather your materials." She said and walked away from us and Snape and I proceeded to wherever he was taking me.

We ended up going out the back of the store into a dead end. "Ummm... I don't know how to tell you this, but theres a brick in our path." I said and he only rolled his eyes at me taking out his wand and preforming a series of touches on the bricks and in a moment they started to move into an arch. 

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