First Day of Potions Class

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I yawned and groaned as the light hit my eyes and I desperately tried to go back asleep, but a bunch of laughing, giggling, and movement kept me from doing so.

"Shut uuuuuuup..." I mumbled silently to myself and I opened my eyes finically and realized I was in Hogwarts and couldn't help but smile to myself. Looking over at Prince I giggled happily when he stretched out and pet him sliding my fingers over his silky fur and in return he nudged my hand with his head. "I would stay in bed with you all day, but it's first day of classes and I need to go downstairs in time to get breakfast." I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, brush my teeth, dry my hair and get dressed.

I look at myself in the mirror before going down to the Great Hall to eat. I smiled at my reflection and played with my hair a bit and to just finish off my look, I put on a light shade of lip gloss. I nodded in approval before gathering my books for potions class and went out of the common room to the Great Hall.

It took me a while to actually figure out where I was, but I had a pretty good memory so my instincts got me to the right place, that and a seventh year named Marcus who I remember seeing yesterday after I got sorted. When I reached the Great Hall I saw different breakfast platters floating around to each table as well as some already on the tables. I looked over to see if Harry and Ron were at the Grtffindor table, but I didn't see them. I did see Ron's twin brothers Fred and George, but it would've been awkward if I went to say hi to them because I don't know them that well. My eyes widened and I blushed when they caught me staring and I smiled awkwardly but waved at them and decided to actually walk up to them.

"Hello!" They said at the same time when I stood next to them.

"Hey you're Ron's brothers right? Fred and George? Sorry but I don't know who's who. Yet! I'll learn! Promise." I giggled and sit down across from them. They looked at me a bit quizzically then broke out into a laugh.

"She's a weird Slytherin wouldn't you say Fred?"

"I would say George. I don't think a regular Slytherin would even come near this table."

"Well maybe I'm not like the other Slytherins?" I giggle and look over at the table in actually supposed to sit at and see Draco starring at me. He didn't seem so much as mad as he did frustrated, but all I did was smiled back at him cutely. His eyes widened and he quickly looked away and tried to look like he was listening to Pansy speak, but I knew he really wasn't which was pretty amusing.

"I'll say she isn't." I heard a voice behind me and quickly turned around to see both Ron and Harry. Ron still looked unsure of me, but I smiled at both of them.

"Awe Harry you think I'm weird too?" I giggled responding to Harry's comment.

"Well yea! You can't even tie your tie correctly!" I turned back around to see that one of the twins had said that. I blushed and looked down at my tie and smiled awkwardly seeing how completely wrong it was.

"Well sorry I've never had to tie a tie before.." I rubbed the back of my neck and Harry steppe forward and bent down undoing my mess of a knot.

"Here let me help." He smiled up at me shyly and tied it perfectly. I blushed lightly but shook it off and smiled at him.

"Thanks though I might need you to do that everyday." I laugh, but I was only half joking.

"Heh I wouldn't mind." His comment made me blush lightly an look away and up at Ron.

"So what is your two guys' schedule?" I ask changing the subject and take a bit out of a muffin.

"Oh um, I think we have potions first, right Harry?" He responded like I had snapped him out of his train of thought and Harry nodded.

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