First Flight

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My heart beat excitedly when walking out on to the fields and seeing broomsticks all lined up on the ground. "This is going to be funnnn." I said to my self excitedly getting really antsy.

"(Y/n)! There you are!" I heard Harry call out and I see him Ron and Hermione running up to me.

"We were wondering when you were going to get here." Said Ron stopping and panting slightly from the small run.

"Sorry I got caught up with some things." I shrugged and saw Draco looking at me. He was with Crabbe and Goyle and Pansey was trying to talk to him, but it was evident that he wasn't listening. However, a couple of seconds of eye contact later, he looked away towards Pansy, but I smiled knowing that right now things with him were good. I could deal with Pansy hating me, but for some reason I really didn't want Draco to hate me. But he definitely needs to stop being an ass to everyone, it's completely ridiculous...

"(Y/n)?" I heard Hermione calling and I snapped out of it.

"Hm? Yea what?" I asked smiling.

"Is something the matter?"

"Yes! No! I'm just really excited to learn how to fly!" I giggled. I mean it wasn't a lie. It really was the truth, but just not the whole truth. I know they hate Draco and they would just wonder why I'm so concerned with him and it would probably just make them skeptical of me again, which I promise I'm good. I mean not all slytherins can be bad, that's literally statistically impossible..

"I already know how to fly a little. Fred and George taught me a few things. Behind mum's back Ofcourse, they even offered Ginny some lessons, she's quite brilliant at it." Ron smiled proudly.

"I've never seen a broomstick till I went to Diagon Alley." Said Harry.

"Same here, well of course I've seen the ones that muggles use for cleaning. That was kinda my thing back at the orphanage." I giggled.

"The same could be said for me." Added Hermione giggling as well. "Well except for the orphanage part."

The conversation would've continued if it wasn't for the professor strolling in confidently.  "Alright class today we will go over the basics of flying and I will even teach you about quidditch for the few of you who do not yet know." Said Madame Hooch. I bit my bottom lip a bit disappointed as I was really looking towards flying, but I guess that was too much to ask of the first lesson. "This is your broom, tool, your friend. It is an extension of yourself, it moves as you do, wills what you will it to do..." She continued motioning towards the broom. The broom was nothing special, actually it looked rather dull, yet it still intrigued me. "While in the air you have to rely on your instincts to control it. Some are easier to control than others. Only the most skilled flyers can adequately fly on the fastest brooms. Naturally we have starter brooms for you to try out later in upcoming lessons. Until my instructions I expect none of you to risk injury and fly. Flying can be extremely dangerous especially when you don't know what you are doing!"

"Now on with the lesson. Who here can..."
I really wanted to fly. It has always been my dream to fly. Growing up in an orphanage I've never even been on a plane flying. I was snapped out by my own fantasies of soaring through the sky when Madame Hooch spoke again. "Now. I need a volunteer." Instantly my hand shot up without a second thought. "Mrs.Riddle come up here please." As I looked back I noticed the incredulously shocked expressions of the trio... why are thy so surprised, I wondered.

I gulped rethinking my 'genius' idea to volunteer for something I had no clue that it was to be. For all I know it could be to run laps... this is probably the wizard equivalent to physical education anyways.

"As I asked before, you ready know how to fly correct?" Madam hooch stayed rather than asked.

"Umm..." I was more or less at a complete lost for words not knowing exactly what was going on. It was all happening too fast.

"Please demonstrate for everyone, how to summon your broom and hover." She insisted.

Pleadingly I looked to the faces of my fellow classmates. Obviously Harry and Hermione were useless in this situation as they were as clueless as me. My eyes shot towards Ron's who was still shocked that I had volunteered. They then darted towards Draco, my last hope before complete and utter humiliation. He smirked slightly before holding out his hand to the ground and motioning the word "up" with his lips.

Gaining some confidence from his guidance, I smiled slightly, hoping that this would work and loudly said the word, "Up!" As I held my hand over the broom. To my surprise the broom immediately shot up into my hand as I grasped it. "Cool..." I muttered to myself pleasantly surprised.

"Excellent job Mrs. Riddle.." madam Hooch stated though I couldn't help but notice a small smirk on her face. "Now please demonstrate how to hover."

I took a deep breath in and let it out, hopefully my nerves followed suit. I just needed to remember all those old witch movies that I watched at the orphanage. Somehow I don't hunk that I should cackle... I swung my leg over the broom and immediately felt it's presence. It was precisely as what madam Hooch said, the broom is an extension of yourself.. what else did she say.. it moves as you do.. follows your will. So if I will it to hover...

I imagined the broom lifting off of the ground, leaning forward slightly as if I was preparing for a take off. As I opened my eyes, I felt my feet no longer touching the ground. The class had erupted into applause as I willed the broom to touch back down again. Once my feet the ground I smiled wildly over to my friends who seemed absolutely flabbergasted at what just happened. And in all honestly, I was shocked too, and I wasn't the only one as whispers erupted about my coming from the muggle world, and how did I know how to do that? Etc. Madam Hooch also seemed to be impressed.

"Mrs. Riddle.. that was quite the demonstration, and thank you Mr. Malfoy for the small instruction how to summon the broom. Help or not you have a real talent for flying..." she said the last part more to herself rather than me. "Meet me in my office later I would like to discuss some things with you." As she said this my heart thumped hoping that this "discussion" would be good and not about my lack of awareness during her speech that caused me this mess.

For the rest of the class Madam Hooch went over wind, altitude, flying etiquette, and even about bugs. "Class dismissed." She finally announced and we were free from this period.

"Y/N! That was bloody brilliant!" Shouted Ron coming up to walk next to me.

"Thanks Ron, I honestly have no clue what I even did exactly..." I blushed lightly at the attention.

"You know, with practice, I'm sure you could make the quidditch team next year! Maybe if you're able to come over this summer, if I ask my mum Ofcourse, but if you're able me you and Fred and George could..!"

"I hate to interrupt this.. conversation but, (y/n) aren't you forgetting something?" Hermione asked interrupting Ron as he was already going off about summer plans. My head went blank as I looked at Hermione skeptically and even looked at harry to see if he had any idea. As Harry shrugged his shoulders, my gaze went back to Hermione who only rolled her eyes. "Madam Hooch... talking... to you... after class ... which is now!"

My eyes widened as I realized that I almost completely ditched Madam Hooch for whatever she wanted to talk to me about. I quickly ran back to the training grounds hoping she hadn't left already. "I'll meet you in the dining hall!" I yelled running as fast as I could.

Thankfully I hadn't missed her. She was using her wand, motioning all of the brooms into the shed from which they came from. Once she noticed my presence she smiled, "Ah Mrs. Riddle!"

"Hello again Madam Hooch.. what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" I smiled nervously up at her. Her yellow eyes were quite fierce but enchanting, I was just hoping I wouldn't have to be yelled at for my lack of paying attention during class...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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