Chapter 1

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I collected Riley. It was just like it used to be. We took the subway to school and even met Lucas, Farkle and Zay a block away from school at Topanga's. This was it. My first day back since the coma, the running away, being hunted, almost dying. This was my first day going back to a normal life. I made Riley, Farkle, Lucas and Zay go in without me. I needed a little time. I was standing just outside the school gates and it was all becoming so real. I felt a little sick. Maybe my mom was right. Maybe I should wait a little, until I'm more ready. I turned to walk home but I managed to talk myself out of it. I turned back around and walked through the school gates. I decided I shouldn't stop even to tie a shoelace because If I stop I'll end up turning around. Just outside the school doors and I took in a deep breath. Everyone turned. All eyes were on me.

I just put my head down and tucked my hair behind my ear. I walked to my locker. They had left it the same for me. When I got to my locker I realized that no one thought to remove the roses and teddy bears and notes everyone had stuck on. I looked at my photo. Under it, it read missing. It was hung on my locker. It was like a memorial. It was weird. Creepy almost. I took down one of the notes and read it.

Maya, Please come home. You don't know me but I've heard a lot about you. Everyone missing you.

there was a date on it. It was two months after I had taken off. I took down another note.

Rest In Peace Maya. All of our thoughts are with you up in heaven.

It was surreal. There was a date on that one too. It was around 5 months after I had gone. The police had presumed me dead at that point. I Just looked at the note and read it over and over again. The pain I must have caused to my friends and family. I felt sick. the bell rang suddenly and knocked me out of my trance. I shoved the note in my pocket and opened my locker leaving everything still on it. I grabbed my books and ran to class.

First class was History. Thank god. Mr. Matthews had spoken to me earlier. We decided not to mention anything about me returning in class. I didn't want to talk about it and he apparently didn't either. I sat down across from Riley. I smiled at her and smiled back. It was like deja vu. Sitting at my old desk again. I noticed something sticking out of it, so I opened to see what it was. Another memorial. I hoped everyone knew that Art and History were my favourite subjects and I wouldn't find memorials everywhere. It was haunting. I quicky closed my desk and look at Mr. Matthews. Everyone was off in their own world. A part from the few people staring at me. They looked like they had seen a ghost, but I guess that's what I was in a way.

The more class went on the more I could feel the eyes on me. I was starting to get paranoid. I started remember things. Like Missy. Like how close she was to me before it all happened. She literally sat two seats behind in the majority of my classes. Then she almost killed me. That was scary to think about. Now missy's sitting in a mental hospital somewhere. I think she was diagnosed as schitzophrenic. She thought I was out to get her. She apparently has MPD too. I don't really know, I didn't really want to know about her. I just wanted to know I was safe. But now here I am sitting in the place it all started.

I started getting flashbacks. I remember Missy walking through the door. It was starting to creep me out and started to breath heavily. I realized I was in the middle of a panic attack. I needed to get outof the class. When I went to raise my hand to ask for a bathroom or something, I raised too quickly and abruptly. It tugged on the scar on my stumach. From the stab wound. It was still so fresh and it would hurt now and again but It was pounding. It felt just as it did the night I got it.

"Ms. Hart?" Mr Matthews called. I was looking down at my desk with my hand over my old wound. I was still hyperventilating and I'm pretty sure I was pale. I looked up to him. I was scared in a way. He looked at Riley and nodded at her. Next thing I knew Riley was escorting me out of class. "Maya, what happened?" she asked we got into the hall. I managed to catch breath and calm down and the pain was easing. "I-I don't know, I raised my hand to quick I guess.." I wasn't really sure what to tell her. I didn't want to tell her I was still freaked about the whole Missy thing. I mean it was two weeks. Even If I was in a coma for those two weeks, it was in the past for everyone else.

"I- I think I'm gonna go home." I said to Riley and quickly rushed out of the room without letting her stop me.

I lied. I wasn't going home. I threw my school bag in a bush outside the school. I didn't want to carry it. I had to go see someone. I walked into the woods. I kept walking for 7 or 8 miles. Until I reached an abandoned factory. Not the red bricked with moss and vines, but the stone one. I knocked on the door four times in a certain secretive pattern before I walked in. I didn't have guards pointing guns at me and in fact I didn't recognize any of the gaurds. I've been gone two weeks and they already had newbie guards. I walked through to the dormitory. I saw Zena and Nicole talking. They had their backs to me. It didn't seem to be serious. I smiled and crept up towards them.

"You need to train the new guards better." I whispered into their ears. Quickly Nicole had me up against the wall my arms pinned down. "Please watch the stab wound, it's been acting up." I said smiling. When Nicole realized it was me she quickly let go and we all hugged. It probably sounds weird but I felt more at home with the survivalists. They'd been my family the past year. I couldn't just quit them.

"Sleeping beauty!" Zena said as she punched my shoulder lightly. Zena told me how she and Nicole did try visit me in hospital, several times but I was in a coma for each one. And there I was thinking they had abandoned me. "You know if you want, you can stay with us again." Nicole offered after I told her and Zena my troubles. I looked around at the stone walls. The cracked stone walls covered in cob webs and the odd vine here and there. "Because this place is like the four seasons of abandoned factories." I joked with them. Oddly, I wanted to stay. I wanted so bad but everyone would have known where I went and I didn't want to betray everyone.

It was about 8 p.m. and I figured I should head home. I left with one last hug and walked back to school to get my bag before going home. When I walked into my apartment I saw my mom, mr matthews, Topanga, Riley, Lucas, Zay and Farkle all sitting in my sitting room. They seemed worried. I closed the front door. suddenly they all looked up at me. "Where were you? We thought you had run off again!" My mom shouted. I didn't mean to scare them. I was just trying to help myself feel less scared. I guess I lost track of time. "I-I-" I didn't really know how to reply.

"Just go to your room!" my mom shouted again. I didn't mean to scare them like that. They're being way to over dramatic. But I guess they had the right too.

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