Chapter 5

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A/N: A shorter chapter today (only a little over 1,000 words), and I lost my 1/day record, but that's ok. I spent a lot of yesterday planning the storyline and future chapters. Not to spoil anything, but this one is a little shorter as a bit of a calm before the storm. Enjoy!


Chapter 5 – April 12, 2019

After my last class, I sent a text to Diana saying I needed to run an errand, and I would meet her at the party that night. I headed over to Aki's shop. It wasn't too far from campus, and luckily it was nearly the same direction as the where the part was being held at a club closer to Boston.

I reached the store when the sign still said Open, and two customers were talking to one of Aki's employees. I walked in, the bell on the door ringing a moment before Aki parted the opaque black curtain, exiting the back room.

"Mister Zane. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up tonight. Your mother would have been so disappointed." She scolded, but I saw the slightest curl of her lips at the corners of her mouth, the tiny crinkling of her eyes.

I stopped in the middle of the store, handing my head in fake shame. "Please forgive me. My studies kept me longer than I expected. Please don't punish my honorable mother for my failings."

Aki shook her head and lightly swatted mine. "Knock it off. You never were good at groveling. Come on." I smiled up at her, all pretense dropped. She led me to the back room, the curtain falling into place behind us. The room held mostly supplies for preparing and arranging flowers just prior to sale. Another door led to the greenhouse further back. As we stepped next to one of the work desks, Aki turned and faced me, her expression was all business. "What do you need?"

Aki's eyes were the most intriguing I had ever seen in a Magi. At first they look solid black, matching her pupils. Up close, or in the right light, they were a complex weave of pure black and shades of the darkest grays, almost a blend of onyx and obsidian. "I was attacked two nights ago. Magi. But nothing like anyone I can remember." I emphasized that to make sure she understood I was going beyond my personal memories. "My best guess is he was dampening himself from my senses. He surprised me, and knowing I would use the same defense anyone would use against another Magi – He attacked with Kinetics."

Aki's analytical talents were far beyond mine. Her eyebrows popped up and her voice sounded impressed as she immediately understood the implications. "Simple, yet highly effective if your target doesn't know it's coming."

I nodded. "That was my thought too. What I don't know is if this attack was targeted, or if he was striking at any Magi he encountered. Can you keep your ears open for anything like this and let me know?"

I could tell she was skimming her recent memories for anything that matched my descriptions. She took a moment and then nodded. "I will."

I smiled. "Thanks. What's the charge?"

Aki shrugged, dismissing the question. "Nothing. This is interesting. New. I should pay you for this information."

I laughed and shook my head. "How about you waive the fee on my mom's next standard order... and a single red rose for me?"

Aki must have thought I was going to start haggling over an actual price because she immediately nodded. "Done." She walked over to a table where a small bundle of roses sat. She had probably been working on them when I came in. Aki selected a rose, a bloom so beautiful I couldn't see any imperfections – even if I had no idea what exactly to look for. "Desired preparation?" She asked without looking at me.

"Short stem, no thorns. Something I could put in a girl's hair." She raised a single eyebrow as her expert hands went to work. She trimmed the stem, removed the thorns, and even removed some leaves and petals I thought looked fine. The finished flower was stunning, even better than before – a fact that I didn't even think was possible. Diana would love it.

Aki handed me the rose with a warm smile. "I'll let you know if I hear anything." I thanked her and walked out, cradling the flower gently.


I reached the club a little later than I would have liked, but parking wasn't too bad. An 18+ club would never be as popular as one that actually served alcohol, even when it was rented out for a college party. I weaved my way through the pool tables after showing my college I.D. to the bouncer – the only cover charge for the night. The turnout was great, making me take a few minutes to find Diana dancing with Amy.

I found my way to them, hiding and protecting the rose behind my back. "Can I cut in?" I asked Amy once I had reached them. Amy looked at Diana, uncertain.

"I don't know if I should let him. He was late." I could tell Diana was suppressing a smile as she tried to look like she was thinking over her options.

"You're right. He was late... and we should never reward that kind of behavior."

I let out a dramatic sigh, hunching my shoulders forward. "I understand. But..." I raised my eyes to Diana's, smiling. "What if I came bearing a gift?" I brought the rose from behind my back. Diana's eyes widened in surprise.

"That's... beautiful!" I ran my fingers along her cheek, tucking stray wavy hairs behind her ear before tucking the rose stem in as well. The perfect bloom framed her face gorgeously.

"Now it is." Even in the low club lights, I could see the soft blush on her cheeks as I stared at her. I smiled, and she beamed brightly back at me. That would be a memory of her I would always cherish.

We danced for a couple of hours, just enjoying the time spent close to each other – outside obligations and worries forgotten for the moment. At one point, Diana tugged on my arm and pointed. I looked over and saw Amy dancing with Tim.

"Huh... what do you know? Miracles do happen." Diana giggled, adding another reason to love that night.

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