Chapter 13 – Truth Revealed
James looked between Aki and me, clearly wanting to make sure we were focused on his next words. "The woman who calls herself my aunt is Angelina Hanson. She's a policy advisor to Governor Andrews, and she's trying to help Magi take over the world."
To say Aki and I were stunned would be an understatement. I had always assumed there was something more going on than just a rogue Magi on a revenge spree, but this? Aki's eyes narrowed, once again showing her amazing ability to mentally process information. "How? Even with the increase in Magi in this area, there is no possible way they could coordinate an attack that would put Magi in power all over the world." She pondered this thought deeply before continuing. "And why here? Why not Washington, D.C. or New York or one of the major cities in California?"
James nodded to the questions, apparently having thought about them or already discovered their answers. "It's here because of her connection with the Governor, and this is not planned as a single event. Apparently she's guiding power-hungry Magi to attack others here; anyone not involved in their plan will probably be a target. She told them that they would be classified as a strategic strike group, and the Governor would get the credit for weeding out a 'Terrorist Cell' here in the city."
I had barely recovered from the last bombshell of a revelation before being hit with this one. I immediately connected back to the news story of the 'Terrorist Attack' at the bank. It was all a setup... or maybe she just capitalized on James's folly. Either way, it was not good. James was continuing. "Their next step is to find bogus connections to other 'Terror Cells' around the world, systematically attacking groups of Magi who don't join them. This will go on and on until nearly all Magi have joined them or are dead... then they turn on the government they were claiming to work for."
"Is that even possible? Something of that scale?" Aki didn't have the benefit of my research into James and his past. I had intended to tell her, but she had been busy dropping her own bombshell on me.
"She found James. He's the son of two Magi: Richard and Heather Wilcox. They died in a car wreck during a flash flood caused by Hurricane Ivan 15 years ago. She had known enough about the family to immediately adopt James, posing as his non-existent aunt. That means she either lucked out immensely with a personal connection to his family, or her knowledge of Magi families is disturbingly expansive." I did my best to summarize the important information without leaving anything out. Aki was nodding, adding this to her likely already complex thoughts of the situation.
What surprised me was James staring at me, in shock. "That's how they died? I knew that Aunt A was probably lying, but I didn't know what really happened." Aki and I shared a glance, and I could see the mixture of care and worry in her eyes that probably reflected my own.
"From the article, I can definitely tell you one thing: they saved your life. The way the damage was described, it sounds like one or both of your parents surrounded you in a kinetic field strong enough to protect you while the car rolled down a hillside, striking trees and rocks the entire way. You were knocked unconscious with only minor injuries – because of what your parents did."
James was nodding along, tears welling at the corners of his eyes. "From their memories, I knew they were good people. They were determined to have a child, and they were looking forward to it. I... I don't know how I can live up to that – with the things I've done."
"Hey." I leaned towards James, staring him square in the eyes. "You didn't know, and there's no possible way you could have. What matters – what really matters is that the minute you learned the truth, you made the right choice. You didn't hesitate; you didn't give up. You acted. That's the kind of man any parent would be proud of. The best thing you can do now is to keep acting in a way that your parents would have taught you. Be the son they were looking forward to."
James nodded slightly, then wiped his tears and nodded with more conviction as he sat straight up again. "You're right." He took a deep breath, sniffling a little afterward.
Aki's mind had kept on organizing all this new information while I was talking with James. "We can't sit back and do nothing. We have to assume she knows about the majority, if not all, Magi in the greater Boston area. Hiding in our homes is not an option. They would go door to door, picking us off one by one." She looked over at James. "When is this supposed to begin?"
"Easter Sunday. They're going to rally at Mt Auburn Cemetery, and from there spread out north and south before sweeping east all the way through Boston."
Aki tapped a finger against her lips, thinking. "We cannot risk fighting in streets and homes. With them spread out, it would be too easy to be overwhelmed individually."
"So we fight at the cemetery." I finished her inevitable conclusion. "It's not a bad place. Who goes to a cemetery on Easter?" I looked over at Aki, probably thinking the same thoughts. "It's still not perfect. We'll have to scout before and strike fast. The longer the fight goes, the more likely someone will see. Thankfully that's something neither side wants."
Aki nodded in agreement. "We'll have an element of surprise. They will not expect a concentrated force attacking them. I will call everyone I know and see how much – back up – I can gather. It won't be much with less than four days warning." I nodded. We both knew it would have to be enough. Aki looked over at James, who was looking fairly exhausted. I wondered if he had even had anything to eat since this morning. "What about James? I cannot have him stay here at the shop."
"He'll come home with me. After some food first, I think. I've got a fairly comfortable sofa, and going back to his home is definitely not an option." James looked up at me, a little surprised. "Don't get too excited. It's a college studio apartment, and there won't be any parties."
James smiled, shaking his head energetically. "Deal!" We all stood. From the looks on James and Aki's faces, I could tell they were feeling the weight of the upcoming days as much as I was.
"Aki, it's been a pleasure – as always."
Her normal smile was obviously reduced. I had no envy for her for the work should would do over the next several days. "Call your mother." My laugh was equally subdued, but I nodded my head in agreement.
A/N: What's that? Another twist? Ok, maybe a smaller one, but yes... yes it was :)

The Unveiling - Modern Magic: Book 1
FantasyMy name is Zane Thomas. This isn't an account of a normal student's last year in college. I'm here to tell you a secret: something that has been kept from the vast majority of the world for a very long time. Magic is real. Magic is the ability o...