Wishful Thinking (Norminah)

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Prom from Norminah's Perspective

Dinah made her way back to the table, tired from all the dancing she was doing when she finally noticed Camila and Lauren were gone. She turned to Normani who sat right beside her, "Damn, those sneaky lesbians really couldn't wait until prom was at least over!"

"It's Camren, we're talking about here, we should expect them to sneak off," Normani said playfully with a shake of her head. Dinah let out a small laugh which in turn caused Normani's smile to get bigger, "You look so beautiful when you laugh."

Dinah's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, she cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at Normani, "Are you hitting on me?"

"Depends, is it working?" Normani replied with a smirk on her face.

"Pfft," Dinah dismissively said with a shake of her head, "I'm straight. But if I were into it, i'll have you know I ain't that easy."

"That's alright, I like a challenge," Normani replied confidently, "But, I'll have you know that I usually get what I want."

Dinah shook her head while letting out a small chuckle, it was clear that Normani wouldn't quit with her advances on her which only actually made Dinah more inclined to give in. She was enjoying all the attention Normani was giving her and the fact that Normani was determined in her pursuit; Dinah had never before felt as desired as she does in this moment with Normani.

Normani then went to go talk to some friends of hers that ended up hooking them both up with some drinks that they snuck in. Dinah was quick to chug down the drink, not even asking what was beforehand, "What?" She said when she saw Normani's shocked yet impressed face at how quickly she downed the drink, "I came to have a good time," she shrugged then got up and pulled Normani on the dancefloor.

They're dancing was innocent enough at first, Dinah and Normani faced eachother, swaying their bodies in rhythm to the beat while their eyes never left each other. Suddenly, with a devilish smirk, Normani turns around and starts to grind on Dinah causing her to immediately tense up. Dinah gulped as she looked down to see Normani skillfully moving her butt along her front; upon noticing that the taller girl momentarily stopped dancing, Normani turned her head to meet Dinah's eyes again, a smug grin on her face as she teased, "Oh, c'mon, just let loose, I thought you came to have a good time."

Dinah's couldn't help but smile at the way Normani used her words against her, always enjoying when someone could match her attitude and humor. With that being said, Dinah eased up and put her hands on Normani's waist, finally attempting to match her movements. It was a difficult task seeing as she could feel herself getting more turned on with every skillful movement Normani made against her most delicate area.

Normani turned her head, seeing that she was starting to really have an effect on Dinah, she turned around and pulled their bodies together so that there was no space between them. Dinah let out a genuine, big smile that gave Normani butterflies and then moved her hands so that they were now resting on Normani's shoulders.the two were silent, so deep in staring into each other's lustful eyes that they were completely unaware of their surroundings.

"Guys, they finally opened the chocolate fountain!" Ally squealed in excitement as she walked right next to them, oblivious to what she interrupted. She then stared at Normani and Dinah suspiciously as they broke away from each other to look at her, "Aw," Ally said with a knowing smile, "Were you guys having a moment?"

"Pfft," Dinah replied dismissively, "No."

Ally narrowed her eyes at Dinah, "Are you sure? Because it looked like-"

"We were just dancing," Dinah interrupted in an assured voice, "No offense, but I ain't into girls like that."

For the first time Normani looked down in defeat, the words stung her deeply eventhough she should have expected them. It was probably because she actually felt like she was getting, she actually felt like there was something between the two that both of them could feel while they danced, but it turns out it probably was just her feeling this. Normani couldn't help the fact that she was a wishful thinker. It was part of the reason that she never backed down from a challenge, because in her mind she never would doubt things resulting unfavorably.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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