Chapter 1

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"Here honey, wear this so your pants don't rub against it." His mother said, handing the 6 year old a jean skirt. The little boy took the cloth and looked up at his mom.

Last week while camping, Yamaguchi got poison ivy on his stomach and upper leg area while running around with the other kids. Luckily he was wearing knee high socks so his entire legs weren't covered, but sadly he wore shorts that day too. He thought back to when his mom said to wear jeans if he was going to run around. He disobeyed... And regretted....

And so Yamaguchi began to wear the skirt over the next week so the rash wouldn't get irritated as he ran around the yard. The breeze and the style was adored by the young boy and soon fueled his love for the feminine side of fashion


"I forgot to grab some new socks. Wait here!" Hinata tells his mother as he runs down the aisles, startling people and almost pushing down merchandise.

The orange haired teen makes it to the boys' clothing area where he looks around for socks. Finding a cheap package of 10, he turns. Next to the boys' area is the girls. He spots a Karasuno Boys' Volleyball team jacket and a brunet haired boy.

"Oh, a teammate!" He says, excited. He moves closer to realize it's none other than Yamaguchi Tadashi. Oddly enough, he's not following Tsukkishima around like usual.

Then Hinata sees him pick up a skirt and press it to his pants, as if measuring to see if they would fit his slender hips. Hinata moves closer.

"Hey, Yamaguchi. Where's Tsukki? Isn't he usually with you?" Hinata says, startling Yamaguchi. The freckled boy turns to his teammate.

"Oh, uh, Hinata. Nice to see you. Tsukki is studying for chemistry," he says, face heating up. Hinata looks to the skirt and tilts his head.

"Is that for a girl you like or something?" He asks. Yamaguchi grips the fabric with tension.

"N-no! I don't have a girl I like. I just thought it was cute," he says, voice shaking. Hinata smiles.

"It is cute! Well, I have to go back to my mom and sister, but have fun shopping," he casually says, backing up and waving. Yamaguchi waves and forces a small smile.

... Oh man... he might tell the team!

Yamaguchi holds the skirt close and hurries to the personal checkout, pays for everything he grabbed, and runs out of the store before anyone else he might know asks questions.

Upon arriving at home, the freckled teen goes into his room and closes the door and curtains. He looks to the skirt. It's black and white striped with a stretchy waistband. He takes off his coat and only a faded blue, long sleeved shirt remains. It's fitted and the skirt complements it perfectly. He looks in the mirror and smiles, proud of his purchase. He pairs the outfit with a necklace he bought last year and sunglasses.

This has been his little secret for the last decade and no one can know.

What if they make fun of him? What if they think he's weird?

Only 2 years ago did he understand why he didn't feel right.

Why he loved all articles of clothing.

Yamaguchi Tadashi is genderfluid

In his heart, he loved knowing there was a name for the way he felt. Sometimes he feels masculine, sometimes feminine, sometimes neither/both. Although he usually prefers he/him pronouns and usually dresses more masculine because he fears how people will react, he personally feels more feminine and wishes he could project that.

Yamaguchi remembers explaining the concept of being genderfluid to Tsukki once. Tsukki seemed to understand what he was saying and respected it.

"Maybe I personally don't understand it, but I'll respect it," Tsukki once told him. He cherishes his friend even more since he said that.

It's unknown if Tsukki thought Yamaguchi was talking about himself and not in a general sense or not, but it was never talked about again.

Suddenly, the teen's phone goes off. He sees the recognizable number and answers

"Hello, Tsukki." He says casually.

"Hey, Yamaguchi. Can I come over?" He oddly asks. He never asks to come over, he just does.

"Sure. The door's unlocked."

"OK. Bye."

And Tsukki hangs up. If he just wanted to come over, why didn't he text?


Tsukki arrives and Yamaguchi changes into pants. They sit on the bed.

"Shoyo told me he saw you today," Tsukki begins, playing with his headphones.

He did tell...

"He said you were looking a skirt and saw you buy it."

I want to run away

"And I've been doing research for awhile so I could support you."

Yamaguchi feels hot hearing those words from his friend.

"You once told me about being genderfluid and I think I've put the pieces together... So... Are you genderfluid?" He says calmly.

Yamaguchi holds his hands together, feeling anxious. He knew this day would arrive, but because of Hinata it's arrived sooner than expected. He thought he'd be telling Tsukki instead of vise versa.

"Y-yes, Tsukki," Yamaguchi says in a quivering voice. He wants to cry and run away.

"I wanted to tell you, but I get so choked up when I try. I'm sorry for not saying anything. You're my best friend and deserved to know..." he says, tearing up.

Tsukki sees his quivering friend and puts a hand on his shoulder. He speaks calmly, almost a smirk on his face.

"OK. So what pronouns?"

Skirts (A Haikyuu!!! Yamaguchi Tadashi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now