Chapter 2: Finn

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Hey everyone!

Sorry this update took so long! I had to edit it, like seven million times before it was adequate enough to be posted. I will probably fix it more in the near future. (Perfectionism! Woo! XD)

Enjoy! :D

I have no idea where I am.

Or what is happening. I don't know if I'm asleep or unconscious. Heck, I could be dead for all I know.

Random memories float through my mind lethargically, as if they were swimming in gelatin. I mentally grab ahold of one, and it plays in my head.

It's my tenth birthday today.

Or so it says. But I'm not sure. We're not supposed to have any information that distinguishes us, makes us different from one another. We're merely supposed to be faceless soldiers, a strong and formidable force, working as one body.

But the thing is, by trying so hard to make us the same, we all purposefully be different. All of us have our own unique nicknames, like if someone was TR-0000, their nickname might be Zero. We all act differently. And we all know our birthdays, even though we're not supposed to. I may or may not have sneaked into the database and got the files with our birthdays on them. But hey, what Captain Phasma doesn't know won't hurt her, right?

So even though I know my birthday, I don't get a celebration. I do get something very awesome, but that's not until tonight. So I get to train. We go into virtual reality rooms ten hours a day, shooting the fake rebels and learning to work as a team. I'm not too bad, but I just don't really have any real motivation to do it. I do it because I have to, but I have nothing to fight for. I feel no connection to the First Order. They rally us and tell us about how the rebels bring disorder and the republic always fails, but I don't buy it. I cheer when I need to cheer, but I can't help but think that there might be another perspective to this.

I feel hopeless. I wish I had parents, friends, anything. But this is the life I have to lead. I want to cry, but I can't.

Today is especially hard, and we're all sweating when we finally leave the training rooms. They give us our usual rations. I eat the food that they give me, but it's bland and always the same. Oh, I would pay so much to eat something different for once. Every day is the same as before, and will be the same as after. There might be something different when I finally get to fight in my twenties, but I still have years left. I wish I was free. Heck, even being on a desert planet with very little food and water would be better. At least I could see the outdoors.

It's ten thirty at night. We go to our rooms, and FN-2108 comes to me.

"It's your birthday." He says. I nod. "You know what that means?"

I smile. "I get the key." We stole a key off of Hux's desk a few years ago, and we are delighted about where it leads. We each go there once a year, on our birthdays.

He laughs. "Yep! I turned off the cameras, but be back by one, okay? I don't want Phasma to get suspicious."

I smile. "Thanks, One-O-Eight!"

I quietly leave our room. I don't have to worry about the cameras, but I'm still quiet. I reach the door I'm looking for, and slowly unlock it. I open the door, and step outside.

I only get to go outside once a year, and tonight it's especially beautiful. The snow piles up on the trees softly, kissing the boughs. The ground is frozen with ice, and snow banks are gently changed by a breeze.

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