Chapter 3

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I found an empty table near the corner of the cafeteria, and I sat down to eat my lunch. Fortunately, my deafness means I'm allowed to bring my laptop with me everywhere, so I flip open my computer and navigate to Twitter to check my notifications.

Surprised? You shouldn't be. I'm practically Twitter famous, and I've got over 25,000 followers from all over the world. I told you I was loud and talkative, didn't I? The internet provides me with the opportunity to be myself, to communicate clearly and have no one know (or care) that I couldn't hear. Plus, my tweets are pretty hilarious. Not that I'm biased or anything.

I pulled the plastic off my wrap and fired off a few quick replies to some of my messages before retweeting a few jokes. I pride myself in my ability to both create and share great content, and I love being accessible online. No one wants to talk to me in school, so I always make a point to respond to each and every person who talks to me on social media. I read in some marketing blog that people want to connect with people, and that it's important to build your 'personal brand' in an engaging way that encourages interaction, so that's what I've done.

Halfway through my lunch, a shadow fell across my computer screen. I glanced over my shoulder just in time to see the devil, Zach Kennedy, as he plopped down into the seat next to me with a wicked grin on his face.

"Thanks for the food," he said, reaching over to grab the rest of my lunch and stuffing it into his mouth.

His friends circled the tables like vultures, and even though I couldn't hear them, I could see the cruel laughter written on their faces. Zach turned away from me, saying something that I couldn't understand without reading his lips, and the faces around the table lit up.

Zach the ass, always a comedian.

He grabbed my laptop next, still talking, but I reach out and attempt to tug it out of his hands. We struggled for a few seconds until he let go, holding his hands up in mock surrender, and said something else I couldn't quite catch.

Slamming the computer shut, I tucked it into my back before glaring back at Zach.

"Didn't know you were Twitter famous, freak," he said, moving his lips in an exaggeratedly slow fashion before he turned back to his friends to say something else.

I pushed my seat backward, slinging my backpack over one shoulder, and stood up to leave. Zach, unfortunately, decided to join me with his friends in tow. He walked backwards ahead of me, drawing the attention of most of the cafeteria's occupants, as he laughed and talked at me. I barely caught what he said as I tried to get around him, but his friends made it impossible for me to dodge him.

"So what did you do to get so many followers, Ava?" Zach asked. "Some kind of deaf-girl porn? Didn't know people were into that, but - then again - I guess I can't knock it until I try it. I wouldn't mind giving it a shot with you sometime."

My eyes grew wide as I realized what he was saying, and a glance around the room confirmed that pretty much everyone was laughing with him. Of course they were. God, people suck so much.

Slowing to a halt, I pulled out the tiny notepad I always carried with me in my back pocket and scribbled a note on it. My hands were itching to sign every insult known to mankind at him, along with a few snarky remarks, but I knew they would fall on deaf ears.

Ha. Look at me, I'm hilarious.

Instead, I folded up the paper and shoved it into Zach's chest. He laughed as he took it, allowing me to pass, before unfolding it and reading the message. I couldn't resist checking over my shoulder as he read the note, watching his expression as it changed from one of amusement to one of rage.

Sorry, but I wouldn't touch your dick with a ten-foot pole. Pretty sure your mom would take care of it for you though. Bet you'd enjoy that, asshat.

I waved at him cheerily before flipping my hand over to give him the bird, and - before I could get away from him - his hand reached out and locked onto the strap of my backpack to pull me backward. I toppled over, losing my balance easily, and slammed into the floor. My head snapped back and smashed into the tile while the wind rushed out of my lungs, and my vision went black for a split second. Above me, Zach and his friends panicked - all of them running in the opposite direction - while tears pricked in the corner of my eyes.

A tall figure appeared in front of me just as the bell rang. I could tell lunch was over from the swarm of students rushing from the tables, their feet thundering on the floor beneath me, and I tried to sit up to avoid being crushed in the mass exodus. The guy in front of me shook his head, saying something I couldn't quite make out, before he beckoned over a faculty member. His face looked familiar, but my head felt wonky and my vision was a bit too blurry to make anything out as I tried to prevent the onslaught of tears from pouring down my face.

Damn, I never wanted to cry in school. I hadn't since 7th grade, when Tiffany Badecki slammed me into the lockers and accused me of 'looking at her funny.' Typically, I was pretty good at hiding my emotions around my peers. Don't let them know that they get to you and all that, but just sucked ass. Not only did I let Zach get to me in the worst way, now I'm laying on the dirty cafeteria floor with tears cascading down my cheeks.

Ah, high school, thou art a heartless wench.

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