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Character: (Ex: Sinbad, Kouen, Koumei...etc.) it came be female or male. Just specify if you want it to be GxG or GxB Hell, if you want BxB let me know! But remember the charter is you I don't do CharaterxCharater. Sorry.

Where: The place you want it to take place at.

What you want to happen: Give me your idea of what you want to happen. If you don't be specific enough you will be questioned further. So PLEASE BE SPECIFIC!

Extras: Do you want it to be fluffy or extra fluffy? Funny? Serious or what? Tell me. (It also depends what character you choose)

Yourself: Give me what you want your personality to be like. If you skip this your charter will be a weirdo like myself, if you read the Ja'far One-Shot it will similar to that personality.

So, happy requesting! I look forward to your request. I will do my own ideas as well so don't fret if no one does request which I hope you do! I will come up with my own.... But don't let me do that. I will cry.

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