Hello. . .

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Authors Note: Okay, so, I know this has been soooo long since I've even bothered with this book. So, before I go on with the pending request I have, I'm going to post something.

This has nothing to do with the Magi world (I know what the heck am I posting it for), but I want you guys to read it to me and give me some feedback. This is for my fellow Potterheads, and Draco lovers. Sorry its not an x reader, it's an OC. Never the less I hope you all enjoy. 

Two Lines of Fate: 

Vasilisa felt sick to her stomach from the bundle of nerves building in her stomach. Her mouth felt dry as she was at lost for words.

Life and Fate stood beside her with large grins adorning their faces. However Nervous stood the farthest from the girl and yet seemed like she was the only one in the room. Love was just outside of the door and Worry was not far down the hall.

Ginny Weasley was always a sweet girl even in her Hogwarts years. Even now bearing a new last name, which was Potter. That didn't change how Ginny felt looking down at the girl before her. Ginny felt happiness for the girl, but she also couldn't help but wonder how Vasilisa was taking the news.

Happiness was downstairs enjoying a small glass of pumpkin juice, and couldn't help but watch as the Weasley family, and Harry Potter, all talk among themselves. There was one other missing from the room because work held him back.

Ron and Harry were having a discussion on who was going to have the Quidditch World Cup this year. The conversation was getting heated.

George, and Harry's only child, James Sirius Potter were discussing what new items should be added to George's prank shop. Unfortunately, Fred wasn't able to join them for the topic. Death, was always cruel and rarely ever spared people.

Molly and Arthur Weasley were chatting very quietly among the two of them in why Vasilisa had rushed to the bathroom at the sight of the food. Arthur figured it was because she wasn't feeling well. However, Molly suspected something else but wasn't quick to tell her husband in case the others were hearing.

Hermione, who sat on Ron's left side was wondering what was wrong. The curious side of her brain was nagging her to go and find out, but the reasonable side arguing that when Vasilisa came down she would tell everyone why she had suddenly rushed out of the room. Hermione had remained downstairs.

Ginny, after five minutes of waiting downstairs had wondered her way up the stairs to check on Vasilisa. She was soon informed of the news and tried to convince Vasilisa that she had nothing to be nervous about, that it was natural and a part of life.

"How am I going to tell him?" Vasilisa spoke up after what seemed like years of thick, heavy silence.

"Well, you could just tell him." Ginny offered as she folded the box and stuffed it into the rubbish bin.

"That was not comforting at all, Ginny." Vasilisa told the younger girl as she looked back down at the item in her hands.

"Well, sometimes you just have to rip it off. It's fast and gets the pain and torture right away." Ginny told Vasilisa while making a ripping motion in the air.

"I'm just worried on how he will react, we haven't even thought about—" the word seemed like it was stuck in the back of her throat.

Ginny nodded, "no need to finish. You don't have to tell him tonight, just do it tomorrow." Ginny told Vasilisa with a pat on the shoulder.

"If I wait I might never work up the courage to tell him." Vasilisa paused. "How did you tell Harry?"

"Well, as we both know Harry can be a little daft at times. So I decided that simply telling him was the best way to go rather than doing something cool to tell him." Ginny frowned, "he was so shocked he gaped like a fish for an hour."

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