Her Butler, Good Times

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AND WE ARE BACK AGAIN BABY, WOO!!!!! I am again so so sorry that it has taken this long for a sequel, I am currently on my junior year of high school so stress and shit has gone up to another level. But I am back!! And thank you so much to all of my fellow readers who have stuck by this far! This fanfiction takes place during Book of Circus with my own little sick twist *wink* *wink* So sit back, relax and enjoy!!!


    My silver eyes fluttered open to meet the gaze of a loving crimson. I gave the demon a tired smile. "Morning," I said groggily. I watched as a small smile crawled onto Sebastian's lips which only made his eyes shine more.
    His head fell to my shoulder and he nuzzled into me, low, sexy voice vibrating as he wrapped his arms around me. "Good morning, my love." I let out a soft, canine purr, running my fingers through his soft, inky locks before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
    Sebastian's hand crawled up to caress my jawline as his other hand descended to my petite waist, pulling me closer. I reveled in the way his body fit so perfectly against mine. Leaning into his touch, I moved my own hand to his perfectly smooth cheek, caressing it gently.
    Sebastian was so perfect in every way, shape and form. I was so lucky to have him as my own. The kiss became more passionate and immersive, and if it wasn't for the sound of a bell being rung, I was certain Sebastian would be the reason that I was wide awake this morning.
    He pulled away gently, sitting up and running a hand stress fully through his hair. With a huff, he stood from the bed and began to dress. I pouted, letting out a whine.
    A low chuckle left the demons throat as I eyed the ringing bell dangerously. "Fine, I'll go get ready," I mumbled. "Stupid fucking kid, signing a contract with my boyfriend." I dressed in a casual attire seeing as we wouldn't be receiving any guests today.
    "I'll be back soon, love," Sebastian smiled, kissing my forehead before exiting the room. I heard an explosion downstairs soon after. "Wonderful way to start the day," I sighed, rushing downstairs.


    "We have a guest tonight. Some stupid business partner or something," Ciel snorted. "Get the servants in order. You and Lily are the only ones I trust not messing this up." A cat-like grin crossed my lips as I poured his tea.
    "Oh my, is the Young Master growing fond of my dear one?" I teased. The Earl blinked, a light blush dusting his cheeks. "I-I'm just saying she's not useless is all," he snapped back weakly.
    I chuckled softly as a crash was heard from downstairs. "Go take care of the mess before our guest arrives," Ciel groaned, rubbing his temples. "Yes, my lord," I bowed, swiftly exiting the room and rushing downstairs to come face to face with my lovely Lily.
    "What was that crash?" I asked her, the annoyance on her fact evident. "Mey-Rin flooded the laundry room again with suds," She sighed heavily.
    Right before I could follow her into a laundry room, a cry was heard from outside. "Finny..." I scowled, eyes narrowing. "Meet you back here in ten?" Lily chirped, tilting her head. Sighing softly, I gave her a nod before pecking her lips ad we parted swiftly.
    In no time, the servants messes were fixed. "It seems our guest has some negative intentions," I hummed, seasoning the roast for dinner after having kicked Bard from the kitchen not too long ago.
    "Aww, did you kill them all alone? No fair," Lily whined, standing in the opposite side of the kitchen as her swift hands readied the side dishes. Her raw power and effortless perfection would never cease to amaze me.
    "Apologies love," I chuckled as I slid the roast into the oven. "I'll tell you what; if you behave until dinner, I'll let you kill him." A grin eased into her flawless features as she turned to face me. "That might be a little difficult. You know what a bad girl I can be," She purred.
    Damn, she was hot. "Oh, I know," I smirked, giving her rear end a smack before we parted ways once more to ready for tonight. Sure, this bloody contract made things difficult for Lily and I. But Lily didn't care. She would stick by me no matter what, and I would do the same for her.
    I know my sorry ass didn't deserve her, but she stayed with my anyway despite all my demonic flaws.
    One champagne tower later and I was standing behind Ciel right as our guest ducked under our table. "You got some weird friends, dude," Lily told Ciel, chuckling as she finished eating.
    "He is not my friend," Ciel grumbled as the man emerged from beneath the elegant piece of wood. "Y..Your not dead?" He said shakily. "Can I kill him now?" Lily whined. Ciel rolled his eyes and I nodded, chuckling at her cuteness.
    Darkness filled the room as a wicked grin crossed my queen's lips. "Humans are such pathetic creatures," She laughed. The noise was spine tingling yet beautiful at the same time. Only she could make me feel this way.
    Her heels clicked as she approached the quivering man. "They break so easily." Her hand raised, shadows forming a sharp spike around it, before bringing it down straight through the man's body.
    The room lightened once more as Ciel yawned before heading upstairs for bed. "My queen is so strong," I purred, appearing behind Lily swiftly and wrapping my arms around her thin frame.
    My cheek rubbed against her soft black hair, leaving gentle kisses in the midst. It was times like this that I loved. The good times in my supposedly damned life. Times when the world would melt away and leave nothing behind but me and my Lily. My Lily. My goddess, my queen, my absolute everything.
    "Are you alright?" She asked softly, turning to face me. Her silver eyes looked up at me curiously. I gave her a warm smile, bending down to press a loving kiss to those beautiful lips of hers. "Yes of course, love," I smiled, lifting her up into my arms and rubbing my nose playfully against hers.
    "Just thinking about how lucky I am to call you mine." Lily hummed softly, fingers running through my hair. "I love you," came her reply. My eyes lit up with happiness. Those words from her mouth made me feel like I could do anything and everything. "I love you too, Lily. Now and forever." These were good times indeed. For now.

YAY CHAPPIE ONE COMPLETE! Enjoy the happy moments cause shits gonna get real, very soon XD. I'd like to thank my good friend Hitzolchikiman for helping me with ideas for this book and many to come! Along with others such as Blackbutler4ever and SuperAwkward. Also, a HUGE thanks to LeviBabyHeichou for creating this amazing cover!! Thanks again to all you guys and I hope you really enjoy this book!!!

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