Her Butler, Awed

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I AM SO SO SORRY THIS HAS TAKEN SO LONG!! Literally school as been anal fisting me and my Physics teacher is like the worse teacher in existence so stress has been at an all time high. Please forgive me and accept this chapter as an apology. I haven't forgotten about you guys so dun worry!!!


    After assuring my love that I would never betray her and getting royally cock-blocked by Ciel, we had taken the carriage back to Soma's manor. I held Lily's warm hand in mine as we walked back into the manor to get some much needed rest.
    She was quiet, not saying a word as we changed into our night clothes and entered the bed. I held her close, knowing Lily liked to be cuddled when she was upset.
    The following morning, a sullen look was plastered on my love's beautiful face. "What's wrong, dear?" I asked, concern lacing my deep voice as I gently caressed her cheek. Sighing softly, her silver eyes gazed into mine. "Just...this whole circus thing is giving me bad vibes. It feels like something bad is going to happen," Lily mumbled softly.
    "I know how much you detest this mission, but an order is an order. And if I ever want to get that little brats soul, I'm going to need to follow those orders," I replied. I know it wasn't exactly what she wanted to hear, but it was the truth.
    She gave a half nod before standing and dragging herself to the bathroom to change. Today her and Ciel would have to audition to get into the bloody circus. I had no doubts of Lily's skills but Ciel was another story.
    The shower stopped as I finished adjusting my tie and Lily emerged a few minutes later, still looking upset. I offered her a smile, taking her hand. "I know what will cheer you up," I grinned, watching as she raised a brow.
    "Come." The two of us quietly walked to Ciels make-shift office, waiting outside the door. "Sebastian, was is the point of--" I put a finger to my list, mouthing the word wait.
    She sighed, and did as she was told. A short while later, footsteps began to approach us from inside the room. Lily finally caught onto the idea, a wicked grin gracing her lips as she formed the shadows into a large, terrifying figure just as Ciel opened the door.
    A shrill, lady-like shriek emerged from the throat of the young boy as he fell flat onto his bottom, Lily and I trying to contain our laughter.
    "W-What the bloody hell was that?!" Ciel shouted. I raised a sculpted brow. "My Lord, what on earth are you talking about?" I asked, tilting my head as I helped him up. "Why don't you go wait in the carriage and rest a bit? It seems you may be seeing things."
    The little Lord cleared his throat, blinking his eye a few times before nodding. "Y-Yes. Of course. I-I will do that." As soon as he left, Lily and I busted into laughter. Oh, how I loved that sound. Her laugh was melodic and beautiful, filling my heart with a warm, happy feeling and left me in complete awe.
    Our laughter died down, the two of us staring into each other eyes. "I will make this trip as enjoyable as possible for you, alright?" I said softly, smiling gently. "I love you, Lily. More than anything or anyone." My crimson eyes shined with adoration as I gazed into her silver orbs.
    With a loving smile, she pressed a kiss to my lips. "Alright, alright. I belive you," Lily chuckled, her signature grin returning back to her features. "Let's go infiltrate a circus then." Smiling happily, I followed her like a puppy (despite my hatred for them) into the carriage.


    Once we arrived at the stupid circus, the ring leader named Joker approached the three of us as soon as we entered. "Nice to see ya back!" He chirped with a closed-eye smile. "Now, let's see what ya got!"
    He led us to a small clearing where the rest of the circus members crowded us. "Ladies first," Joker smiled at me. I felt Sebastian tense slightly beside me as Joker looked me up and down quickly.
    After a quick peck on the cheek, I stepped forward. Quickly deciding what power I wanted to let these mortals see, I shifted the shadows and formed them into a small raven. The Raven cawed, hopping forward as the circus goers stared in awe.
    I suddenly changed the form of the raven, turning it into a large tiger. Sebastian nearly died at the sight, staring at the tiger lovingly. With a grin, I let the shadow creature dissapear before turning my attention to Joker. "T-That was incredible!" Joker exclaimed, still in shock of the act.
    I simply shrugged, returning to my place beside Sebastian who kissed my cheek. "That was amazing, love," he purred, nuzzling his cheek against mine. Smiling softly, I was so enveloped in his loving gaze that I didn't notice Ciel stepping up for his audition.
    The little Lord was very bad at any and all physical skills. Therefore Sebastian and I had to help him out, flicking pebbles at the knives to make them land in the center of the target.
    Of course throwing a few knives isn't enough to get you in a circus who already has a knife thrower. So next was the dreaded tight rope which we pretty much handled the same way, flicking pebbles at the boy to prevent him from falling.
    And then, the final test; "Smile," Joker cooed, grinning himself. "Come on, smile!" He continued. Sebastian almost pissed his pants and I myself was trying not to burst into laughter as Ciels eye twitched in annoyance. "Smile!!" Joker pressed, finally making Ciel crack as a bright smile lit up his face.
    Never thought I'd ever see that in my life time. Joker brought us all together, introducing us to the rest of the Troop members and giving us our "new names". "You will be Black," he pointed at Sebastian who gave his award winning smile. "You, of course, will be Smile!" He chirped, gesturing to Ciel who nearly fainted.
    The circus leader stood in front of me, appearing to be thinking. "And you shall be...Raven!" I guess that isn't too bad. "Now, Smile you will room with Freckles," Joker told Ciel, gesturing to a brown haired girl of similar age to Ciel.
    "And since you two appear to be together, I suppose you can share a tent together," Joker sighed, seeming irritated with Sebastians presence. "There is an empty tent beside Beast's that you two can have." The name made me growl lowly.
    "Thank you so much," Sebastian chirped, stepping in front of me before Joker could question me. After a few minutes of small talk, Sebastian and I walked to our tent, passing Beast on the way who glared at me. I grumbled angrily as Sebastian ushered me into our tent. "Don't worry about her, love," he purred, wrapping his arms around my waist.
    "She's just jealous about how marvelous you are." The demon buried his nose in the crook of my neck, breathing in my scent and making me relax instantly.
    "Come, let's go break in the new bed," Sebastian suggested with a grin, taking my hand and leading me to bed as a smirk spread onto my lips. "Such a pervert," I chuckled, allowing him to pull me into a demon. "That may be so, but I am your pervert," he stated, kissing my nose.
    I rolled my eyes, pressing a kiss to his soft lips. "Mine and only mine." With a cheshire grin, the demon nodded eagerly, pulling me on top of him. God, he really is a pervert.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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