Her Butler, Dense

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Me: Hai hai!! Today we continue our epic story of love, lost, and--

Sebastian: KITTIES!!!

Me: *cough* Uh no.

Sebastian: But I get to meet a kitty today, right? Right?!

Me: Uh well, yes but that's not--




    My crimson eyes fluttered opened as sunlight washed in through the window. My gaze drifted to my sleeping lover, a warm smile crossing my lips.
    Memories from the past night flooded my mind. Oh how beautiful she is when she sleeps, or when she does anything for that matter. A shame we have to go to the stupid circus today or I would let her sleep all day.
    I placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking my queen gently. "Love, it's time to wake up," I purred gently, voice still husky due to sleep. A groan of annoyance escaped her lips as she swatted my hand away.
    "I dun wanna," Lily pouted, her silver eyes peeking up at me. "I'm tired." She put her hand on my head, slowly, but effectively, pushing me back down under the covers before closing her eyes and beginning to fall back asleep.
    I couldn't help but chuckle at her natural adorableness. My head peeks back up from under the covers as I lean in to whisper groggily in her ear, "I fucked you good then, didn't I?" While casually pushing myself against her.
    Lily's face turned a deep red as she buried her face into my chest. "S-Shut up!" A hearty laugh emitted from my throat as I planted a chaste kiss on her lips. "You know, we haven't tried morning sex yet," I purred suggestively.
    She pinched my shoulder gently. "Perverted demon." I pressed out foreheads together softly, noses barely touching. "I'm not perverted, you're simply irresistible." I stroked her hair gently, letting her resume her sleep. We weren't supposed to leave for the circus in three hours anyway, so another hour of sleep for my dearest one couldn't hurt.
    I melted into her touch as I watched her sleep. These mind of moments were one of the many that I thanked for, because it allowed me to gaze at her sleeping form...
    This gorgeous woman is mine, isn't she? There's always been a part of my mind that was thinking this is all a dream and there will come a time when Lily, in my life, will be involved with 'permanent seperation'. I wasn't refuting anything, but it's all just so surreal to me.
    That's just the negative part of my mind whispering doubts to cloud my judgement, and she has proven herself more than enough...just, the ethereality that is her to actually belong to an impure being such as I is incredible.
    I was about to prepare my own clothes a few minutes before she woke up when something greeted me in my luggage. I was feeling the warmth creeping up my whole face as I try to regain my composure, hearing my queen move about which was an evident indication that she was awake.
    I held the piece of clothing up. "Don't get me wrong, I could get used to having these with my clothes, but Lily, what is your...private wear...doing in my luggage?" A chuckle left her lips as she sat up. "Oopsies."
    I raised a brow, about to open my mouth when she stood from the bed, allowing me to bask in her full, naked glory. A blush dusted my cheeks as I began to babble mindlessly. God, the things she does to me.
    Lily grinned. "Enjoying the view?" She winked, earning a rapid nod from myself. "I'll go get ready for the stupid circus. Tell Pirate King to start getting ready to go." I watched as she sauntered into the bathroom, hips swaying temptingly.
    With a sigh, I walked downstairs to tell the Young Lord it was time to leave. Once Lily had finished her shower, the three of us borded the carriage.
    "I expect you two to do the very best on this mission," Ciel hummed. A grin crossed Lily's features. "When would you expect any less?" She responded. The boy rolled his visible eye. "While you two together are virtually unstoppable, you do tend to get a bit...rowdy when in each other's company for a long period of time."
    "I assure you my Lord, Lily and I will try to keep our escapades to a minimum," I responded, my fingers laced with my lovers.
    We arrived at the circus just as the sun began to set, parking the carriage and venturing inside the large tent with our guards up and attentions directed to any signs of the missing children.
    The three of us were seated in the back, having a clear view of the circus acts below. "Seems like a normal circus," Ciel mumbled as two young acrobats swung perfectly in sync with each other.
    "I don't like her," Lily growled softly as the animal trainer, Beast, entered the stage. "What do you mean, she's doing a good job," I gestured aimlessly, also at the fans this Beast person was gaining by the minute. Yes she is doing a good job...At making me fantasize how Lily would look in her clothes that is.


    I frowned at Sebastian's words, a wave of anger and jealousy washing over me. Of course, the demon was much too dense to notice.
    I was so busy thinking of the different ways to murder the big-breasted bitch that I failed to notice Sebastian standing from his seat and rushing to the audience.
    Oh no. Yep, a tiger. And of course, tigers are cats. Ciel and I face palmed, groaning as Sebastian pet the tiger lovingly. "Oh what lovely stripes you have!" He cooed, caressing the felines face.
    "Go fetch him, please," Ciel groaned, rubbing his temples. With a sigh, I nodded and made my way down to the stage just as Sebastian's face was enveloped in the tigers mouth. The audience screamed and I simply rolled my eyes.
    Grabbing the butlers collar, I yanked him out and beginning to scold him. "But, Lily she's so beautiful...can we get one, please?" Sebastian begged, clinging to her almost desperately as his eyes twinkled.
    I bit my lip, his eye sparkles weakening my resolve. "I'll think about it," I grumbled, as he eagerly followed me back to our seats. At the end of the show, the two of us followed Ciel back to the carriage, discussing what we saw.
"It seems normal enough. I suppose we must dig deeper too--"

"Excuse me! Wait up!!" A voice called making the three of us turn around.
    It was Joker, the ring leader. "Can you two come with me? After the tiger incident we'd like to get ye' examined," he explained. With a slight nod from Ciel, we entered the medical tent.
    The doctor was astonished to see us in perfectly good shape. "Amazing," he exclaimed as he finished examining Sebastian. "You two are perfectly well."
    I leaned against the wall as Beast entered the tent, making me grit my teeth. "Can you check my leg when you finish, Doc?" She asked, sitting on one of the medical beds.
    Sebastian stood from his seat and, much to my surprise, kneeled between her legs and caressed her prosthetic leg as he gazed at her...area.
    My eyes blazed with fury. How dare he?! How dare he touch someone else like that, and in front of me at that! I...I thought we had grown past this. I was snapped out of my trance to Sebastian showing off, catching all of Daggers, well, daggers, and landing perfectly.
    "My, my look how talented ye be!" Joker praised. My glare returned to Beast as Sebastian and Joker discussed joining the circus. It wasn't until I noticed they had finished that I decided to exit the tent, a dark aura surrounding my figure.
    Sebastian blabbered on endlessly about how he would delight in seeing Betty the tiger once more. Of course he barely noticed my anger, the damn demon was denser than a block of lead.
    It wasn't until I felt a hand on my shoulder that I froze in my rapid scurry back to the carriage. "...Lily...?" Sebastian asked quietly. "What?" I answered coldly, not turning around to face him.
    He stood back in shock, gently pulling his hand away. "Is something the matter, dear?" Came his timid response. "I don't know about you, but I don't exactly enjoy watching my lover blatantly examine another woman's privates right in front of me," I snapped through gritted teeth.
    "Lily, I was just studying her prosthetic!" The butler argued, though no conviction was held in his voice.

"I would never do that! You know I won't--"

"Do I?" I asked softly, sadness coating my words. "Do you love me?" He was clearly taken aback but quickly recovered. "Lily, of course I do," he replied softly, gently tilting my chin to face him.
    "How--why would you think that of me? I already told you that no woman, human or otherwise would compare to how you look in my eyes." I was doubtful. Sebastian had been unfaithful before; I didn't exactly trust his demonic instincts.
    "Do you promise that as long as we're together, nothing romantic will happen between you two?" I asked. Sebastian had a pleading yet honest look in his crimson eyes. "Even when we're not together," he said softly. "Everything that I am is for everything that is you."
    My gaze softened as he slowly wrapped his arms around me. "Maybe I overreacted a little..." I admitted quietly after a period of silence. My demons forehead rested against my own as he held me in his arms.
    "It's quite alright. I can see how the situation might have appeared a little different tly than it actually was. I would never hurt you intentionally Lily. I love you too much to beat that pain."
    I gazed up at him, the moonlight reflecting against my silver orbs. "I'm sorry for doubting you," I said quietly, cupping his cheek gently. He leaned forward to rest his lips on mine and-- "CAN YOU TWO PLEASE MAKE OUT AT A LATER TIME, I WOULD REALLY PREFER TO GO HOME NOW!!" Ciel shouted from the carriage, making the two of us jump in surprise and quickly scurry into the vehicle, cheeks dusted with a bright pink.

Bit of a long one but I didn't want to leave you guys on a cliffie. Please let me know how you guys are liking this book, I really want to know your comments and if you're actually enjoying this book or not. I love all of your support and hope you continue to show it ^-^

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