Her Butler, Passionate

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Hai! I apologize very dearly for the delay, I know some of you have been waiting very long for some smutty-smut *wink* Anyway! If you don't wanna read a very descriptive lemon scene, I'll leave a little note down where the scene begins and ends. Please and enjoy this extra special, delayed sexy time!!!


    God, I was so hard. We eventually arrived at Soma's where Lily and I took out the luggage. Prince Soma proceeded to glomp little Ciel, while Agni showed Lily and I to our room. After depositing the luggage, we were walking down the hall to locate Soma when I noticed how quiet Lily was.
    "Love, what's wrong?" I questioned, stopping and turning to face her. A small sigh escaped her perfect lips before she spoke. "I just...the idea of going to the circus and all..." Her silver eyes averted from mine. "I sense that someone is going to take an interest in you and try to take you away from me."
    A small growl escaped her lips. "But you're mine and mine only." A loving smile found my lips as my arms wrapped around her shoulders and I kissed the top of her head. I felt Lily's slim arms around my waist and lower back as I whispered to her, "I am yours as much as you are mine. And I will prove to you one more that you have me all to yourself."
    I pulled away, brushing hair from her silver eyes. "I'm in love with you. Your outer and inner self cannot be threatened by other people because you already stole my heart even before I knew I had one." A warm and loving smile graced her lips as she pressed a gentle kiss to my lips.
    "I love you," Lily whispered. Oh how I loved those words. As my heart was once again sent fluttering, my queen leaned up to press her lips against my ear. "You've been a very good boy today."
    A grin appeared on my face as my arms secured around her back and waist, switching out positions and caging her against the wall. "Of course I can only be good got so long," I whispered back while my hands caressed her body up and down.
    Lily shivered slightly under my touch, fueling my want for her more and making me lick her ear slowly. "Please?" I chuckled deeply. A soft moan escaped her lips, knowing the deal was now sealed. "I suppose you've earned a treat," Lily said, gently grabbing my chin and connecting our lips in a passionate kiss.
    The kiss grew more heating as lust and passion came over us both. I moaned against her lips, the feeling of accomplishment overwhelming me as I cage Lily with my body, grinding into her as our tongues fought for doninace.
    Her slim fingers ran through my hair, as she allowed me to dominate her mouth. She spread her legs for me, allowing me to continue rutting against her. Both my hands stay on her waist as her fingers remain in my hair.
    Our room was close by yet I didn't feel like moving since I haven't tried to fuck Lily against a wall yet. There's a first time for every--- "whAT ARE YOU TWO--?!" Lily pulled away from my lips to glare at Ciel. "Run along child, the adults are playing," She purred, silver eyes flashing gold threateningly as Ciel got the message not to interrupt further and scurried along.
    I faced my love again as a deep chuckle resonated in my throat, putting my forehead to hers as I stared intensely into her eyes. "I can only hold myself for so long until my restraint finally snaps." My eyes glowed their demonic fuchsia as her silver eyes stared back lustfully.
    "Let's break in our guest bed then," She whispered. "You read my mind," I almost growled, finding the restraint to somewhat dart to our room, kick the door shut, and press her against the bed. I almost ripped her leggings off, prying her legs open with my own when she reached up and clawed at my clothes.
    I smirk, "Growing impatient now, are we?" A growl escaped Lily's throat. "I could say the same about you." My chest was finally exposed to her as she began to trail her lips on my bare skin. She pulled me on top of her, our naked bodies colliding as she grinded up against me.
    I breathe in sharply through my teeth, almost incapable of stopping myself to take her right then and there because of how damn sexy she was. "You are very successful at making me," I grinded harder, "lose my composure."
    Lily let out a breathless chuckle. "You know how I am," She panted. "When I want something, I really want something." The way her silver eyes glazed over with lust and her black hair splayed behind her only increased her sexiness.
    As my fuchsia eyes contrasted with the color of the moonlight from the window, I slammed myself into her heat without a seconds delay and almost immediately came at how tight she was. Lily grew surprised at the sudden entrance, a low moan escaping her lips as her back arched giving me convinent access to her breasts.
    I toyed with them, growling lowly in pleasure as I began to thrust deeply into my goddess. Her whimpers and moans only fueled me to proceed. I lowered my lips to her breasts, licking and kissing them eagerly as he ran her fingers through my inky locks.
    "M-More. G-Give me more," Lily whined, her lips thrusting upwards to meet with my own. I moved back up to intently see her pleasure-filled expression before going to the side of her face and nibbling at her ear. "Yes, my queen," I whispered, and increased the pace of my thrusts, going faster and faster until she was nearly screaming for me.
    I muffled her voice by covering her mouth with my own. A pathetic excuse to kiss her but she's just so...her. "We aren't at the manor, you know," I whispered against her lips as I trusted deeper, resuming my playing of her breasts.
    She whined, knowing very well she couldn't scream to her hearts content. I win this round. Or...at least I thought I did. My clever little queen settled for the next best thing; moaning my name lowly into my ear as I pounded into her.
    Shivers ran down my spine at her deliciously lustful noises, making me unravel completely before her. Lily was truly gorgeous. And I'm not just saying -or in this case thinking- that because of the overwhelming feelings I was having; I meant what I said.
    She stole my heart before I realized that I had one, and she was my saving grace. I didn't know I could be forsaken until I first met her...regardless if at first she was after my life. Lily and I fit in every way humanly and in humanly possible. I would know if something was bothering her, and she would know if nothing was bothering me.
    Lily saved me. From myself, from doing things and saying things I'm sure I would regret, and from an eternity of grief and lonliness. She shut all that out so the least I could do was treat her like goddess, regardless if she already was in my eyes.
    Pure ecstasy suddenly gripped us both. My hips jerked forward in one final thrust, a low groan of her name escaping my lips as I filled her up with my seed. Lily moaned loudly into my ear, making me growl as she tightened around my cock with her climax.

    I slowly pulled out of her after the two of us rode out the waves of euphoria. "Have I proven myself?" I tiredly questioned, laying beside her and pulling her to my chest with the duvet over us.
    She rested her head on my chest, smiling softly. "You have more than proven yourself," Lily said sweetly, making a loving smile grace my lips. I placed a light kiss to her lips. "I'm glad," I nuzzled myself against her neck and made myself comfortable, similarly to how cats would when they want to put their scent on something.
    "Hey Lily, guess what?" I heard her chuckle. "What?" She hummed, the tiredness evident in her voice. It filled me with pride, how I exhausted her like this. "I love you." I never thought I would hear myself saying those words to anyone. But there's a first time for everything.
    A light blush dusted her lips as she replied, "I love you too."

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