Her Butler, Convincing

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HAIIIIIIIIII!!!! I am so glad you guys liked the first chappie!! (Or at least I hope you did) I am currently in St. Pete on a forced vacation so this update may or not be late depending on if I get dragged out to civilization or not. I know; late update, not a good way to start. BUT I'M TRRRRYYYYIIINNNNGGGGGG.


    "I'm just saying, he is unnaturally short for his age," Lily mumbled to me as the two of us walked behind Ciel. It was currently the middle of the night as we made our way down to Scotland Yard. Ciel received a new case from the Queen regarding some missing children and decided we needed to check the Yard's records.
    Of course the Yard wasn't just about to let us in, so more illegal measures needed to be taken.
    I snorted quietly at Lily's joke. "I am feeding him enough milk, I just don't understand why nothings happening," I mumbled back to her. "Wasn't his dad like six feet tall? Why is he a borderline midget?" Her comment would have made me burst into laughter if I wasn't interrupted by the Young Master.
    "I CAN HEAR YOU TWO, YOU KNOW!!" Ciel shouted, causing the two of us to bite back a laugh at his little temper tantrum. "We've arrived, My Lord." I changed the subject, gesturing to the large building whose lights had long gone out for the day.
    With a curt nod, we followed the boy into the Records Room. "Find the records of all these children," Ciel ordered. Lily and I nodded, splitting up and searching the various filing cabinets at an inhuman speed.
    Ciel watched with amusement and we would have been in and out in a jiffy if Abberline hadn't rudely interrupted. "E-Earl?!" He squeaked. Lily and I exchanged bored looks. "Yo, we finished," She announced, waving the files she collected.
    "Y-You're not supposed to be in here!" The detective announced, trying to sound menacing and authoritative while trembling like a leaf. Rubbing his forehead in irritation, Ciel waved his hand dismissively.
    With a smile, I promptly handed Abberline a small handful of gold coins. "I do not accept bribes!" He shoved the currency back at me. Ciel rolled his one good eye, turning to the door. "Hurry up and get promoted already," the child grumbled, exiting the room with Lily and I in tow.
    We returned to the manor where I promptly put the Young Brat to sleep before cuddling with my queen. "Lilllyyyy," I whined, nibbling at her ear. "Mmm, not now Sebastian," She grumbled, elbowing me gently. "I'm tired. Tomorrow." After more pleads to deaf ears, I resulted to pouting and snuggling with her before finally falling asleep.
    "We're going to the circus," Ciel told me as I poured his morning tea. "Pack your things and the two of us will depart to Soma's this afternoon. Lily will stay here." I frowned, thinking for a minute. A mission without Lily by my side? How would I survive without her gentle kisses, teasing antics and warm body to cuddle and pleasure? "Master," I bowed my head respectfully. "May you consider a request that could benefit our search?" I heard him hum, before asking, "What is it?"
    I lifted my head to make eye contact with him. "Bring Lily with us." A small moment of silence before a chuckle escaped his throat which I wanted to rip out.  "Aren't you two spending a sufficient time already?" My glare was enough of an answer for a sly smirk to appear on his lips.
    "I am merely jesting," he rolled his eye. "I am perfectly aware of Lily's strength and capability. She is a valuable asset to us. It's only a bonus that you two are romantically involved." God, I hated him.


    "Aww but I hate the circus," I pouted once Sebastian informed me of his previous conversation with Ciel. "Would you rather stay here for God knows how long?" He raised a brow. "Alone. Without me." I sighed in defeat. "Fine," I grumbled, standing to pack.
    The demons arms wrapped around me from behind. "If your a good girl, I'll give you a little treat," his husky voice purred into my ear, causing a shudder to rack through my body and a light blush to coat my cheeks.
    "I'll pack for us, you go pack for the kid,'' I told him, pressing my forehead against his. With a slight nod and gentle smile, Sebastian kissed my lips softly before exiting the room.
    I returned my attention to the dual suitcases that lay before me, packing our essentials as well as a little special outfit of mine and accidentally slipping it into Sebastian's suitcase. With a cat-like grin, I shut them both before heading outside.
    I passed the butler on the wall down, swaying my hips side to side teasingly as I knew he was watching. He was so desperate last night so I thought I'd reward him today as promised. But not without some teasing of course.
    Teasing, however, comes with a price as I felt a firm smack on my ass once we reached the carriage. A small squeak escaped my lips as I shoved the suitcases into the carriage.
    I gave him a teasing smirk, enjoying the way his cheeks lit up and his eyes wandered down to my bust. "Later," I purred to him just as Ciel arrived to crash our little party.
    Ciel sat across from us as I talked to him about the mission. Of course I wasn't truly listening; it was merely to distract the boy as my hand creeped teasingly into Sebastian's lap to caress his growing arousal. The demons sudden jump of surprise caught Ciels attention and I dawned a look of shock as well.
    "Get a hold of yourself, man," Ciel snickered, probably thinking the demon had a seizure or something. Sebastian gave me a small glare as I simply smiled innocently in response. Oh I was gonna get it when we got to Soma's. And I was so ready.

So the first half of the next chappie will be a lemon/smut scene so you can always skippie skippie if it's not what your into. No pivotal plot points will be revealed during the scene, this is not Game of Thrones. Anyway, hope you enjoyed lovelies!

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