Chapter Three - Awkwardness & First Meetings

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“So what’s the name of this boy?” I asked, fiddling with the menu the waiter gave us. She laughs, a melodic sound.

“What boy?” She asks, her eyes glancing around the room, folding her hands slowly in front of her. She’s looking for someone. I’ve never seen her such on edge before, and I must say, a small part of me is amused, even entertained by the performance she’s putting on.

“You’ve never cared about where we’ve eaten before.” I say, cue the raised eyebrow. “And yet, all of a sudden you want to go to the McGreggers Family Pizza or whatever the hell this place is.” I look around, glancing at pizzeria, using one hand to fan myself with the menu. The thing I hated most about living in Australia, was that I’d never experience a white Christmas while I was here. Instead, I’d slowly drown in my own sweat.

I suppose there where some parts of Australia, where, if I really wanted to, I could visit and experience a cold-ish Christmas. Parts like Tasmania and The Blue Mountains, where it would snow once in a blue moon. But I’d never, ever had snow on Christmas.

The waiter, a small petite girl called Wanda came over to our table, took our orders and left. Xenia ordered a small Hawaiian and I ordered a large Vegetarian, figuring that I’d spontaneous and try something I never had before. “So.” I say, glancing at Xenia, narrowing my eyes suspiciously at her. “Who’s the boy?”

“Are we really on this subject again?” She asks, with a moan, placing her head in her hands. “I swear, in all honesty there are no boys in my life right now.” I watch her, as a prison guard may watch a prisoner.

“Uh huh.” I say, playing with the watch on my wrist, giving her a dubious glance. She rolls her eyes, looking away from me. “Okay, fine.” She mumbles. “There may be.. someone. But it’s nothing. Plus, I’m new at Hilton, So having a relationship isn’t really what I have in mind right now. I just want to make friends..” She bites her lip and I give her an sympathetic smile.

“Hey.” I say, reaching over and patting her hand awkwardly. “It’ll be okay – I swear, I mean.. you’re you. People have to like you. Otherwise I’ll kill them.” She laughs, the lights in her eyes dancing. I grin, happy that she’s happy.

Suddenly two plates are set in front of us, and Xenia looks up at the waiter and freezes, her words of thanks frozen upon her lips. I look up at the waiter, he’s tall and gawky-ish with a head of curly light brown hair and hazel eyes. His name tag reads Ryan. Ah-ha!  This must be the guy that Xenia’s been crushing on. And from the looks of it, he’s either received a very bad sunburn recently or he likes her to. “Um, here.” He says, a smile forming on his face. And then it stops and his expression sours, I follow his gaze and realise he’s looking at our hands. He’s obviously got the wrong impression, but Xenia jerks her hand away from mine. But since his back is already turned, he dosen’t see this. She watches him go, her expression pained.

“Was that him?” I ask her and she nods glumly, biting her lip. “Do you think he thought – oh shit.” I say, wincing. “Go talk to him or somethin’.”

“And say what?” She asks, exasperated. “Hi, my name’s Xenia. I’m sixteen and despite the fact that I don’t even know your name – I have a massive crush on you. Oh, and by the way, the boy you just saw me holding hands with was a world famous celebrity who I’ve known since I was two.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not world famous, X.”

“You will be.” She said. “You where the lead up act for One Direction last year, remember?”

“I wasn’t the lead up act, we all where but yeah.. I get your point.”  I say, glancing at my phone. There’s a new next from Thalia, and I can’t help smiling when I read it.

Thalia: I am so so so sorry

Thalia: that was my brother. I’m pretty sure he’s part alien.

“Who’s that?” Xenia asks, raising a brow. “I thought you said you weren’t seeing anyone.” She wiggles her eyebrows. “Forbidden love?”

“Nope. We’re just friends.” I say. “It’s this girl that like, accidentally texted me a couple of hours ago. She’s pretty cool. Her name’s Thalia.” I glance up, and see someone’s head disappear from the kitchen doors, a pretty face that’s gone in a flash.

“How do you know she’s not like, a stalker fan or something?” Xenia seems concerned. “I mean, she could be like one of those weird freaks who make voodoo dolls out of their favourite celebrities’ hair.”

“Well.” I say. “For starters, I haven’t even told her my last name. And this is a new phone, so there’s no way that the number’s gotten leaked already and thirdly when she first texted me she thought she was texting her brother.”

Luke: nah, it’s cool. I get it. My friends do it all the time.

Luke: knowing you, that would make sense.

Luke: Just kidding… I think.

Xeina grabbed my phone from me, and scanned through the mass amounts of texts that we’d already sent each other. “Hmm.” She said, narrowing her eyes. “She dosen’t seem that bad.. but.. she could still be evil.”ht

I rolled my eyes, grabbing the phone from her and shoving it into my pocket. “She’s not. Can we talk about something else please?”

“Excuse me.” A voice says, and I swivel around to see a tall girl with crazy curly hair, wearing her cap back=to-front and holding a basket of garlic bread. “Did you order this garlic bread? We’ve mixed up the order.” She flashes a smile. “My, uh, brother would do it but he’s upstairs talking about how much he hates mankind.”

Xenia raises an eyebrow, taken aback. “Is your brother Ryan?”

“Well yes.” The girl says, tapping the basket of bread to a tune that I can’t remember but is oddly familiar. “But he’s not the one upstairs. That’s Nate.” She grins, a light of recognition in her eyes. “Hey! You’re that new girl, right? I’m Lia.” She holds a hand out, balancing the basket on one hip. Xenia shakes it, smiling.

“Hey! I’m Xenia.” X says, with a smile. “And this is my friend, Luke.”

I raise a hand. “Hey!” She shoots me a quick smile.

“So… are both of you new to Hilton? Or is it just Xenia?” She asks.

“Just me.” Xenia says, which brings the conversation to an abrupt holt and we all just sit there, well Xenia and I sit there and Lia stands, but in silence.

She bites her lip. “Well, here’s your garlic bread!” She places it on the table, smiling awkwardly.

I push it back. “We didn’t order any garlic bread.”

“Oh.. Right!” She says, taking it back. “Sorry. I’m.. I’ll go. Bye! It was nice meeting you two.” She waves, taking a couple of steps backwards before completely turning around and walking away from us.

“Well. That was weird.” I say, raising an eyebrow.


Sooooooo. Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? I’m so excited that 222 seem to be interested in this story omfg <3 are you looking forward to Thalia (‘Lia’) and Luke meeting – like, really meeting and knowing that it’s the other? Xxx G

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