Chapter 37

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Giving this one chap. because it's my fav. New readers needa hurry up! Lol

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Today I was spending the whole day in the store. I was finally starting to feel like a owner/boss. I was taking control of EVERYTHING. I know it's hard, but I know it's going to be worth it in the end.

I sat down at a table, browsing through diffrent brands that wanted to work with me. "What do you think of these?" I asked Linda, while holding up two diffrent brand names. Linda worked for me whenever Valentina didn't work, and lately, she hasn't been coming in at all to help, I wonder what was up with that. "I like them both actually." Linda said smiling. I nodded. "Me too." I handed both of the papers to Linda. "Those goes in the yes pile." She nodded.

We browsed a few more papers in silence, until Linda spoke again. "Sooooo are you exicted??" I smiled. "Yeah, I am...Im glad everything is going smoothly so far, I have a really good feeling about this place." I said looking around. Linda nodded. "I do to, your doing a great job, out of all the people I worked with, your the most involved." I smiled widely. "Aw thanks Linda, your doing a great job..Im glad your here with me to help...since Valentina pratically disappeared on me."

Linda chuckled. "Speaking of Valentina, have you spoke to her lately?" I shook my head. "Nope, everytime I try to call her, it goes straight to voicemail." Linda furrowed her brows at me. "That's you think something happened to her??" I shrugged. "Doesn't she work for your boyfriend as well?" I nodded. "Hmm." Linda said. "Has he mentioned her at all?" I shook my head. "No, the only time they really communicate is when he has a event to go to, she pciks out diffrent outfit choices for him." I said shuffiling through some more papers. Linda nodded slowly."I see.." I placed all the papers down and arched a brow at her. "Whats the sudden intrest in Valentina about??"

Linda sighed. "Ok fine." She started. "I was just trying to make sure she was COMPLETELY gone before I ask you this.." I sat up and furrowed my brows at her. "Ask me what?" Linda took a deep breath. "Well, since you do need alot of help around here and I've been helping you almost everyday....I was wondering if I could take this job full time...since Valentina is NEVER around." I smiled. "Of course, how could I say no and you've been helping me this whole time?"

Linda smiled. "Great...but what are you gunna tell Valentina when she finally reappears?" I shrugged. "Don't know, don't care, all I have to say is that your fired, hell, August will probably do it for me." We both laughed together. All of a sudden my phone rang. I picked it up and glanced at the caller I.D. "Hold on Linda, it's my best friend." She nodded. I slid the green bar over and placed the phone up to my ear.

ME: "Hey you feeling?"

STASIA: "Shitty...ugh I just want him back Simi."

I sighed.

ME: "I know, I know, have you tried calling?"

STASIA: "Uh yeah! I've tried EVERYTHING, calling, texting, leaving voicemails, hell I even left comments on his Instagram."

I chuckled a little.

ME: "Maybe he needs some more time Stasi."

STASIA: "More time??? Its been 4 days already..I think it's really over."

ME: "Don't say that...he's a man, it takes more time with them."

Stasia sighed.

STASIA: "Ugh, fine if you say so.....but that's not the reason I called."
I furrowed my brows.

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