Chapter 8

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What seemed like hours was only seconds before doctors rushed in. They quickly started hooking up EKGs (electrocardiogram/heart monitor) and EEG's (electroencephalogram, brain electrical watcher). Then the doctors started asking me questions while the nurses watched my sister. I only answered a few questions when the EKG started beeping loudly and a nurse yelled, "Doctor she's in Cardiac Arrest." The doctor ran over to a phone and said, "Code Blue, Protocol 6." Then he ordered some medicine that I can't remember the names too. The intercom system started speaking, "Code Blue, Protocol 6. Code Blue, Protocol 6." As it was saying it metal doors started closing over the windows. Apparently they hadn't wanted an audience.

I screamed through tears "What's happening, what's going on? Is she going to be OK?" An orderly pushed me over out of the way of the doctor and the nurses. The doctor started chest compressions while the nurse grabbed the defibrillator. "Charge it to 200 Watt second, STATT!" The doctor yelled. The nurse handed the paddles over to the doctor while someone else started chest compressions. The nurse yelled "Charging, Clear." The Doctor yelled it as well right after the nurse "Clear!" He released an electric shock to my sister. "No conversion. Hit her again. Clear!" Another shock, nothing. They administered more drugs while someone resumed chest compressions. "Charge it 400 Watt seconds." "Charging, Clear!" "All clear." Another shock. "Normal sinus rhythm." Everyone let out a huge breath. "Alright get me an IV D5W, And an IV of Sodium bicarbonate Stat! I want a 5 mg morphine shot inserted into an IV of normal saline." "Aye sir," the nurses said as they went to work.

The doctor walked over to me and asked what had happened to her. So I told him everything that had happened. As soon as I was done he got up and said "stay here." Then he rushed back over to the phone and said, "Get me neurosurgery stat!" He talked on the phone to the neurosurgery Doctor and told him just 3 words. "Protocol 6 Emergency." "I'll be there in 2 min," the neurosurgeon replied. With that the Doctor hung up and walked back over to me. That's when he told me what his plans are for my sister. "She's Stable for now. We are going to do an emergency pressure release on her brain. Basically we are going to drill 5 tiny holes in a plus shape to release the pressure. The procedure will take about an hour. Then he looked around until he found what he was looking for. "Orderly!" The orderly turned to him. "Yes doctor," He replied. "Take this girl to the play room while we work on this other girl." "Aye sir," he looks at me, "Well come on then, let's not wait for the grass to grow. I assure you it will grow fine without you."

The orderly leads me into a massive room then proceeds to tell me that everything will be alright. I asked him what kind of pain medication they gave her. "morphine." he responded. I panicked, "she's highly allergic to morphine." He ran out the room in a full sprint. I am left alone with nothing but tons of toys that were scattered everywhere. I pick up a little stuffed animal and just looked at it. I stared at it so long I memorized it. I started crying just thinking about my sister. It's all my fault; it just hurts me to know it's all my fault. I'm crying so hard I fall to the ground crying. I sobbed and sobbed for what felt like hours.

As the nurses push the medication, machines started beeping. "God damn it we are going to lose her." As soon as all the medication was administered all the machines fell into a regular beeping pace. (meaning everything is working great.) All the staff took a deep breath. "Keep her sedated and keep pumping the stomach, I also want the oxygen to remain on. I want her vitals checked every hour. I want someone in here at all times."

Authors note: I hope you guys like this. I tried making it as realistic as i could. I am really loving writing this book so i hope you guys like it.

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