Chapter 3

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I couldn't breathe. My heart had sunken to the pit of my stomach and felt like it had no plan on returning.

They didn't even seem to notice me as they were too far into their tongue match, but before I could make my presence known, I feel a hand pulling me back out of the door by my skirt.

"That's what I was trying to tell you." My assistant said as she kept pulling me back to the bathroom. Once we got there, she sat me down on one of the chairs and locked the doors behind us. "Are you okay?" She asked after climbing onto the sink.

I heard her loud and clear but I couldn't fix my mouth to answer. All I could think of was my Jack kissing a woman that wasn't me.

How could he do this to me? When did he have the time to do this because every second of the day he spent with me when he wasn't away on a business trip.

Then it all hit me at once. All of those business trips were a buncha bull. He'd used that as an excuse to go be with her. For three years he's been going behind my back and screwing around with her.

"That asshole!" I say before making a run for a door. Again, I was stopped by a pair of hands.

"Megan if you don't let me go right now you can kiss your job goodbye." I threatened.

"And if you go out there and make a complete fool of yourself so can you!" She tried to explain while keeping an iron hold on me.

"I don't care that's just one client I'll lose," I say while struggling to get my arms free. For a small girl, she has the strength of a bull.

"No, you'll risk more of that. Think about what'll happen if this story spreads. You'll be plagued by this forever and no one will want to work with the wedding planner with the loose temper."

That's the only thing that brought an inch of sanity back to me. I can't risk losing my entire career because of him.

"Fine," I say and stop struggling. "Just get them the hell out of my store."

Seeing that I wasn't going to go on a rampage, Megan let me go and unlocked the door to the bathroom.

"Stay here." She said to me like I was a small toddler instead of her twenty-seven-year-old boss.

When she left I immediately got my phone out and texted Melanie telling her to meet me at my house asap. I waited about five more minutes before leaving out of the back and driving home.

Just as I expected Melanie had beat me to my house and was sitting there patiently waiting on the couch with a bottle of wine and two filled glasses.

Without hesitation, I kicked off my heels and joined her. In one swallow I gulped down my glass and reached for the bottle to pour another.

"It's that bad huh." She said while situating herself in preparation for my story.

I told her the whole thing and as I neared the most hurting part I could feel myself getting worked up all over again. My anger had no match for Melanie's though.

"That bastard!" She yelled. "I knew he was no good the minute I laid eyes on him. All those damn meetings and the I don't have any friends mess."

I didn't try to stop her because she was saying everything I wanted to hear and I knew if she didn't get it out it would literally kill her. "You wait until I see him. I'm going to wring his lanky neck out." She continued.

"Well too bad because I already have dibs,"I say.

"Do you want me to call my cousin Lenny he'll do it for both of us." She said and I could tell by the look in her eyes and the fact that she was already whipping out her cell phone that she was dead serious.

"No! I want him gone more than you do but we can't do that we'll go to jail."

"What so we'll do three years tops we could make it ."

"You probably could but they'ed tear me up in there!"I tell her in fear when she puts the phone to her ear.

"Hey, Lenny it's Mel-."

Before she can even finish the sentence, I snatch the phone from her evil hands.

"Hey Lenny false alarm, see ya," I say and hang up.

"Hey what did you do that for." She whined while reaching for her phone.

"You're not going to get your cousin on him," I say slowly so it'll sink into her stubborn skull.

"Why not! That roach deserves a stomp or two. Look at all the stuff he's put you through for three years and all for this." She says trying to convince me.

I'm not going to lie she almost had me but I knew that it wasn't worth it. Plus I knew the perfect way to get my revenge.

"So what are you going to do." She asks noticing my silence. "I know you're not even thinking about going through with planning the wedding."

"Of course I am. I'm going to make that bastard pay."

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