Chapter 4

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It has been exactly a week since my life had been shattered by a certain blonde-haired client. I took some time off of work and life, in general, to recollect myself and come to terms with the garbage that is now my life.

Needless to say, I haven't spoken to Jack during this time of reconstruction so he hasn't gotten a chance to even find out that I knew of his beloved fiancé. I also had to beg Melanie not to say a peep about the situation, despite the fact that she wants to permanently injure his 'manly' parts.

He's taken this time of separation quite well and only called my assistant five times out of that week. I guess his fiancé is keeping him well occupied.

Although there is nothing I'd rather do than to call him out in front of his fiancé for the complete butt hole he is, I'd conjured up an even better plan instead.

It was quite simple actually, and if I hadn't spent three days out of my week moping around I would've thought of it much sooner. You see, just getting him back through the fine art of exposing would be satisfying but it wouldn't be enough to make him suffer.

Sure he'd lose his fiancé but that's about it. No public shame or anything. But to embarrass him in front of not only his family but an entire audience would be priceless. It's so sad though that poor Christina has to suffer along for the ride maybe it'll be a blessing in disguise for her.

I wrote my schedule for the week with pleasure as the first names that popped up were the future Jack and Christina Porter at 12 p.m. sharp.

I went to bed early that night to rest my body and mind for the events that were going to occur in a matter of hours.

The next day I woke up with a certain dose of happiness that I knew had nothing to do with a good night's rest. After a long, hot shower and a steamy breakfast, I was ready to start my day.

I purposely wore my red, fitted dress and black heels that made my legs look a mile long. This would definitely get under his skin in the worst way. There's nothing Jack hates more than when I show skin.

I flounce to my car and begin to drive to work. To calm my nerves, I take the long way to give myself a mini pep talk. Usually, I'm not the type to seek revenge but this cut was simply too deep and I couldn't let this slip off my shoulder. I had to do this for every girl that he had potentially done this to.

As I drive up to the parking lot, my courage diminishes a smudge when I see Jack's black mustang sitting outside. For my last boost, I call Melanie.

As usual, she answered on the third ring and before I could tell her of my lack of strength she interrupts saying," I know for a fact you're not second-guessing this Ang."

"Well, I'm sorry that everyone isn't as mischievous as you Melanie. This just isn't my cup of tea."

"If you pass this up and I'm going to personally drag you out of your car and beat your ass." She threatened.

Even though she was miles away I could feel the blows coming. She's definitely crazy enough to do it.

"What if it doesn't work and he ends up telling her himself."

"Well, that's just a chance you're going to have to take because after all he's put you through he deserves it. Oh, and you have about three minutes to decide." She says reminding me of the time.

"You're right, I'm going to do it. Now get off my phone before I'm late."

"Wow! After I gave such an encouraging speech. Whatever loser I'll deal with you later."

Which is Melanie's special way of saying I'm coming over for lunch.

"Whatever bye love you,"

"Don't forget about Lenny if you're in doubt love ya."

With that last reminder, she hung up.

Okay Angela, time to put on your big girl panties.

I could hear my heels echo against the concrete as I made my way towards the entrance.

When I opened the door, I greeted my assistant with a usual smile and asked if my 12 o'clock appointment was here. Because she doesn't know if my genius plan, she gives me a look of utter confusion.

"Ummm they're in your office Ms.Angela."

"Perfect." I answer and slip past her desk and walk to my office. With each step of my heels, I feel an unshakable amount of power conjuring within.

I plant the widest, most professionally sweet smile on my face and open the door to meet my latest happy couple.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Porter, sorry I'm late." I say and look Jack square in the eyes.

‼️Attention ‼️🗣Hi guys👋🏾 I know I haven't updated in a while but I couldn't help but write this small scene to get you back into the story. This chapter basically summarized what happened in the previous chapters and give you insight on the future chapters. A fluff chapter if you will. I will be updating Sunday and it will be longer.
🤔What do you think will happen when Jack sees her? Will her plan work? Comment below👇🏾what you think will happen.

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