chapter one the moon goes green

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Now this story begun on a beautiful stary night. Caleb a boy of twelve years with a friendly face full of freckles was looking up at the stars with his fathers brass telescope,which he had borrowed earlier that afternoon. Sitting beside him on the grass also fascinated by the glow of the stars. Was Mark Caleb's long lasting best friend, he to had many freckles and soft light brown hair.
"so how long to this eclipse thingy"Mark says with an air of his usual impatience. He was not known to be the most patient person the small cosy town of Mugalraph.
"in about"Caleb checks his watch, his watch was quite unlike anything you would've ever seen. It was a lovely dark shade of violet, with three long golden hands, and instead of numbers it had small glow in the dark moons around the edges. How he read it nobody knew.
"about um 3 minutes"
"oh good i don't think i could wait any longer than that"Mark sighs.

They sat their in silence staring up at the dark sky. Waiting on the soft green hill they had chosen
In what appeared to happen in a matter of second's the moon changed from its usual ghostly white glow into an extravagant emerald green. What caused this strange colour switch was unknown not ever to Mr Switchtenvoich,the towns only professional astronomer,who Caleb's dad had bought the telescope off.
Caleb and Mark sat their mouths drooping open staring at the recently colour changed moon. Caleb as if being zapped by an electric shock says "oi Mark its you turn"
"sure"Mark replies with a wide grin. Caleb then hands it over, only about two minutes had passed

Till Mark said "Caleb come quick there's something else out there"
"there"Mark points to the sky and Caleb eagerly Grabs the telescope but sees nothing.
"So Mark what did you see? "
"I saw..... "i saw.. He stutters the image seemed to be pinned to his eyes like a photograph,that gigantic head and large power full grey leathery wings, not to those razor like talons and teeth.
Mark draws in a breath and says in a voice somewhat higher than his own."I saw a dragon",
"ha ha ha"Caleb blurts out
"nice prank you really had me there for a second"Caleb says rather sarcastically
"its not a prank i really did see one"Mark answers defiantly.
"oh come on do you really expect me to believe that"
"well a dragon hasn't been seen in these parts for thousands of years"
"well i really did see one" Mark repeats a little put out.

Just as suddenly as it happened the moon changed back into its usual white.
"we should go to bed so we can catch the last day of the show"
Caleb said while still trying to hold back giggles.
"yeah your probly right"
The 31st Mugalraph show went for 3 days and this year everyone went, well except for Mark and Caleb.
After rolling out there swags. Mark having difficulty and somehow rapping it around himself like a strait jacket. Mark said goood ni ni ight whilst trying to stifle a huge yawn. Night Caleb replies in a warm drowsy voice.

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